Arise(起来)! Ye who refuse to be slave(不愿做努力的人们), with our flesh and blood build up our new great Wall(把我们的血肉筑成我们新的长城), China masses have met the day of all danger(中华民族到了 最危险的时候); Indignation fill the hearts of our countrymen(每个人被迫逐发出最后的吼声). Arise(起来)! arise(起来)! arise(起来)! Many hearts with one mind(我们万众一心), beat the enemy's bonfire (冒着敌人的炮火). march on(前进). beat the enemy's bonfire (冒着敌人的炮火). march on(前进).march on(前进).on(进).on(进)!