Hege Storhaug对挪威进步党党首,现任挪威财政大臣Siv Jensen盛赞不已,称她为改善挪威穆斯林女性的处境做出了巨大贡献。Hege同样赞同Siv Jensen所主张的严格限制和管控外来移民尤其是穆斯林移民,反对助长伊斯兰教对于挪威社会的影响,反对扩建清真寺等主张,禁止女性在公共场所佩戴头巾等主张。 Hege Storhaug认为,伊斯兰化会使挪威和欧洲社会的女性自由严重倒退。她说: There is no doubt that the freedom, the level of freedom I had as a young woman, young women in Norway will not have, and don’t have actually today and they will not have it in the future, as far as I can see. So the freedom for women in Europe is going backwards.” “Girls in school, they are mocked by Muslim boys and they dye their hair black, yes. Blondes are dying their hair black, that is correct. And some of them also move to other parts of Oslo to be let alone.”