终结的炽天使吧 关注:172,655贴子:2,534,818



嗯 这个楼主不仅语死早而且前面几卷的一些细节记得也不太清楚了...所以还是凑合看吧_(:_」∠)_
【比方说某几个地方我看了不下五遍还是觉得是那个意思 吓得我昨儿大半夜的手机都掉脸上了 镜爹你是受了什么刺激吗手动再见

来自iPhone客户端1楼2015-11-04 21:31回复

    来自iPhone客户端2楼2015-11-04 21:32

      来自iPhone客户端3楼2015-11-04 21:32

        IP属地:北京来自Android客户端4楼2015-11-04 21:33

          IP属地:贵州来自Android客户端5楼2015-11-04 21:33

            IP属地:北京来自Android客户端6楼2015-11-04 21:35
              Chapter 3
              Guren is called to Hiiragi HQ. Tenri finally makes an appearance, and he is the king of assholes from the getgo. He orders Guren to kneel before him and talks about how he ordered Sakae to dance naked. Tenri also mentions how he fooled Seishirou waaay back in volume 1, and says it’s his fault for believing an Ichinose. More Hiiragi -Ichinose power dynamics, along with a fun reminder of Mikado no Tsuki’s tragic backstory and how at present, treating the Ichinose like trash is par for the course. Guren endures a mini humiliation conga by having his head stomped on by Tenri until bleeding and is dismissed. Kureto is waiting outside as he leaves.Comes home to find Saitou lounging on his sofa. Fight ensues, Guren calls upon Noya’s power. Accidentally lops off Shigure’s arm. Saitou has been alive over a thousand years and is the 2nd progenitor. Keeps trying to tempt Guren into killing his servants and joining him. Calls up Kureto for help, who agrees to send a helicopter. While waiting for her treatment to finish, he gets a call from Shinya, who jokingly says that he bugged Guren’s room. Guren fires back that he was trying to cut a radish and accidentally cut off Shigure’s arm. Refuses to give details over the phone, so Shinya tells him that he’ll go over to Guren’s apartment tonight. Kureto asks for details, Guren tells him about Saitou. Kureto asks about their plans etc, Guren replies if he knew he’d hide it . More remarks about Guren falling for troublesome girls and Kureto stating that they have different mothers. Shigure’s still unconscious, but her arm was successfully reattached. Guren sits by her bed for two hours before heading home.On the way home, he’s ambushed by a gang led by Seishirou. They all have cursed gear swords. Guren provokes him a bit, Seishirou starts bragging about how awesome he is. Turns out he’s a decent fighter, but outclassed by Guren, Shinya and Kureto. They fight, Guren is about to land the finishing blow when Shinya pops up, tackling him to the ground. Seishirou is yelling at Shinya to kill Guren, but Shinya points out that daddy would be none to pleased that a group of his followers lost to one opponent, an Ichinose to boot. He also convinces him to give up on getting revenge on Guren, saying that he’s trash, not worth it and that’s not how a true Hiiragi should act. Seishirou and his thugs bugger off, Shinya comments that Guren is usually more reserved, but Guren has had an awful day.More Shinya reflecting on how he’s lived with no purpose or ambition. Decided to make meeting Guren a goal, as he was curious to what extent Mahiru loved him. Says he understands why she loves him: he never gives up, is selfless and found the way he acted charming. That and the fact that he has goals: to protect those he cares about. They head back to Guren’s apartment, Mito and Goshi are already there eating curry. Saying cleaned up the mess from the fight with Saitou. After dinner, they all play Bomberman, and Mito has gotten really good at it.

              来自iPhone客户端8楼2015-11-04 21:38
                Chapter 4
                December 2nd, Kyoto. Mahiru emerges from Sanguiem a vampire, sired by Krul. Saitou meets her and gives her a ring that’ll protect her from the sunlight. She suddenly attacks him with Shikamadouji, but he catches it between his fingers. Mahiru is unimpressed that she can’t kill him with this level of power. She can handle a cursed gear as a vampire on account of being born with a demon. Despite working together, she thinks to herself that she doesn’t know what he’s up to, and he’d probably kill her once she outlived her usefulness. Saitou’s objective seems to be completing the seraphs, whereas Mahiru wants to complete the cursed gear-one way of getting enough power to be with Guren.She is thirsty for blood, and drinks from a woman walking alone, knocking her out so she doesn’t scream and drags her into a dark alley. Muses that blood tastes different depending on the person’s gender and age, then wonders how Guren’s blood would taste. Blood goes bad the moment the person dies. Mahiru then heads back to Tokyo.December 10th. Demons have appeared in the high school. It’s become standard for all the students to use them, and there have been some cases of students going berserk. Guren has been ordered by Kureto to kill said student. He hasn’t been to school in a while, having spent most of his time training or being experimented on after bringing back Ashuramaru. He’s wearing a Mikado no Oni military style uniform instead of his school uniform. Students are yelling that Mikado no Oni has come to save them and that Guren is considered to be Kureto’s right-hand man. Guren thinks as long as he’s working for Kureto, that’ll spare him from the Hiiragi’s wrath, so it’s something to be thankful for. Despite all students having cursed gear (though basic level ones), the fact that they can’t handle one who went berserk means that he was pretty strong to begin with. Kureto has also given the same order to Shinya, Goshi, Mito, Sayuri and Shigure, but Guren was first to arrive. He enters the building and walks up to the third floor. 27 bodies lie about. A female student stumbles out of a classroom, missing her right arm and left leg. The berserker student soon follows, about to land the finishing blow when Guren calls out to him. The student turns toward him, eyes pitch-black and curse marks running all over his body. Guren can only use about 30% of Noya’s power, but it’s a huge improvement from when he fought that female vampire two months ago. They fight, Guren defeats him but merely knocks him out instead of killing him. Mahiru suddenly appears, applauding and comments that he’s strong. He asks if this was her handiwork, and she says yes, in order to see him again. She grabs someone’s arm, stating that these weapons aren’t that great, but how Noya is almost complete, and if Ashuramaru is useful. Because Mikado no Oni’s research/experimentation on Ashuramaru, they’ve discovered the different demon ranks, which determines how easy they are to control. Black demon users must undergo modification surgery in order to be able to use them. Said surgery has a success rate of less than 20%. It wasn’t successful until Shinya and co. got the procedure. Despite being in an alliance, this information was not shared with the Church, which would probably result in another war if they ever found out. Noya is a possession type demon. He tells Noya to possess him, and he states that he has finally caught up to her. She nods happily, saying that if they would’ve had this power when they were children, they could have escaped together. Guren replies that he wouldn’t have, as he didn’t get strong for her, but to protect his friends. She smiles sadly, but is taken aback when he says he wants to protect her as well. He then asks her to stop resisting and let herself be captured, that they’ve found a way to extract demons and he can save her. She throws down her weapon, which she later instructs he give to Shinoa, so it will protect her after the world has ended. Shinya and co show up with their cursed gear and try to attack Mahiru, to no avail .

                来自iPhone客户端9楼2015-11-04 21:39

                  来自Android客户端10楼2015-11-04 21:40
                    December 11th
                    After the battle, Guren opts out of training, contemplating whether or not to give Shinoa that cursed gear. Mito comes over and confesses, but Guren rejects her feelings in a kinda bittersweet way. December 20th
                    Kureto leads a group of 200 soldiers to attack one of the Church’s research facilities, but they are beat to the punch by a group of vampires, led by Lucal Wesker. He lets them escape on a whim, as he only drinks the blood of children.December 23rd
                    Guren investigates the now abandoned Hyakuya orphanage in Shibuya. Despite reports of the children being killed, there are signs of the place being recently inhabited. He also finds Mika’s diary, last entry dated December 18th. He realizes this is too great a coincidence for them to have been moved just days before their planned attack, so he calls Kureto to verify. Kureto tells him that the report about the orphanage came from the Nii and Kuki families, which means they have betrayed Mikado no Oni. Sure enough, Kureto suddenly pauses in his conversation, as Mahiru and the Nii family head have shown up with an army. Around 1pm, Guren decides to head to Shinoa’s to give her Shikamadoji. While there, they are attacked by traitorous Mikado no Oni soldiers and have to escape. Shinoa loses consciousness the moment she touches Shikamadouj, but Guren still manages to kill some soldiers, grab Shinoa and escape. Outside, he gets a call from Goshi, who informs him that he and Mito were headed to his apartment, which is currently on fire and why are they being attacked by Mikado no Oni soldiers. Guren tells him of the Nii and Kuki’s betrayal, but the call suddenly cuts out. With a still unconscious Shinoa in tow, Guren steals a bike from a random guy, but is quickly pursued. Shinya pulls another big damn heroes moment when he uses Byakkomaru to blow up the van that was chasing Guren. To his relief, Shinya tells him that everyone is OK and they were able to kill the soldiers who attacked them. Awhile later, Goshi pulls up in stolen minivan, and they pile in. While driving away, Guren spots a convenience store and says he wants to eat Christmas cake. They all agree to eat cake and play video games if they manage to survive.Guren pulls out his cellphone and calls Mahiru. She asks if he’s asking her out on a Christmas date. He replies yes, that he’s betrayed the Hiiragi and will join her. She laughs in response.

                    来自iPhone客户端11楼2015-11-04 21:41

                      来自iPhone客户端12楼2015-11-04 21:43

                        来自iPhone客户端13楼2015-11-04 21:43

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                            来自iPhone客户端18楼2015-11-04 21:47

                              来自iPhone客户端19楼2015-11-04 21:49