包含迄今为止剑桥出品的主要历史系列书籍。共15个大类,272部PDF(8.98 GB),囊括:世界主要国家与地区,宗教,经济,文学史等等。
详细书目: H:.
├─美国历史 American History
│ ├─The Cambridge Economic History of the United States
│ ├─The Cambridge History of American Foreign Relations
│ ├─The Cambridge History of Law in America
│ └─The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of America
详细书目: H:.
├─美国历史 American History
│ ├─The Cambridge Economic History of the United States
│ ├─The Cambridge History of American Foreign Relations
│ ├─The Cambridge History of Law in America
│ └─The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of America