东杀吧 关注:459贴子:5,541



Yes, I'm Ye Liangchen.
You Post Bar behavior is if you feel the strength of That's going too far., play with me, but not to mind. Oh, I will let you know, but never talk.
Don't let me touch you, if in my place, I have one hundred ways to let you stay, but you, but no. Oh, my love for those who think the most outstanding ability moves, you only need to remember, my name is Ye Liangchen.
Anyway, you can know all people all called out, but not mind to accompany you to play, if I win, you give me obediently rolled bar, don't insult.
Of course, if you stop, the most in the future, thank you very much, have thanks again.

38楼2015-10-09 21:55
    Yes, I'm Ye Liangchen.
    You Post Bar behavior is if you feel the strength of That's going too far., play with me, but not to mind. Oh, I will let you know, but never talk.
    Don't let me touch you, if in my place, I have one hundred ways to let you stay, but you, but no. Oh, my love for those who think the most outstanding ability moves, you only need to remember, my name is Ye Liangchen.
    Anyway, you can know all people all called out, but not mind to accompany you to play, if I win, you give me obediently rolled bar, don't insult.
    Of course, if you stop, the most in the future, thank you very much, have thanks again.

    39楼2015-10-09 21:55
      Yes, I'm Ye Liangchen.
      You Post Bar behavior is if you feel the strength of That's going too far., play with me, but not to mind. Oh, I will let you know, but never talk.
      Don't let me touch you, if in my place, I have one hundred ways to let you stay, but you, but no. Oh, my love for those who think the most outstanding ability moves, you only need to remember, my name is Ye Liangchen.
      Anyway, you can know all people all called out, but not mind to accompany you to play, if I win, you give me obediently rolled bar, don't insult.
      Of course, if you stop, the most in the future, thank you very much, have thanks again.

      40楼2015-10-09 21:55
          听说这个挺多经验的 ิۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖۖิۖิิۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۖ
           ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิ
            ิۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖۖิۖิิۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۖ
           ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣ

        来自Android客户端41楼2015-10-11 16:43
            听说这个挺多经验的 ิۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖۖิۖิิۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۖ
             ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิ
              ิۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖۖิۖิิۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۖ
             ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิ

          来自Android客户端42楼2015-10-11 16:43
            IP属地:河北来自Android客户端43楼2015-10-18 09:30
              Yes, I'm Ye Liangchen.
              You Post Bar behavior is if you feel the strength of That's going too far., play with me, but not to mind. Oh, I will let you know, but never talk.
              Don't let me touch you, if in my place, I have one hundred ways to let you stay, but you, but no. Oh, my love for those who think the most outstanding ability moves, you only need to remember, my name is Ye Liangchen.
              Anyway, you can know all people all called out, but not mind to accompany you to play, if I win, you give me obediently rolled bar, don't insult.
              Of course, if you stop, the most in the future, thank you very much, have thanks again.

              IP属地:河北来自Android客户端44楼2015-10-18 09:30
                Yes, I'm Ye Liangchen.
                You Post Bar behavior is if you feel the strength of That's going too far., play with me, but not to mind. Oh, I will let you know, but never talk.
                Don't let me touch you, if in my place, I have one hundred ways to let you stay, but you, but no. Oh, my love for those who think the most outstanding ability moves, you only need to remember, my name is Ye Liangchen.
                Anyway, you can know all people all called out, but not mind to accompany you to play, if I win, you give me obediently rolled bar, don't insult.
                Of course, if you stop, the most in the future, thank you very much, have thanks again.

                IP属地:河北来自Android客户端45楼2015-10-18 09:30
                  Yes, I'm Ye Liangchen.
                  You Post Bar behavior is if you feel the strength of That's going too far., play with me, but not to mind. Oh, I will let you know, but never talk.
                  Don't let me touch you, if in my place, I have one hundred ways to let you stay, but you, but no. Oh, my love for those who think the most outstanding ability moves, you only need to remember, my name is Ye Liangchen.
                  Anyway, you can know all people all called out, but not mind to accompany you to play, if I win, you give me obediently rolled bar, don't insult.
                  Of course, if you stop, the most in the future, thank you very much, have thanks again.

                  IP属地:河北来自Android客户端46楼2015-10-18 09:30
                    Yes, I'm Ye Liangchen.
                    You Post Bar behavior is if you feel the strength of That's going too far., play with me, but not to mind. Oh, I will let you know, but never talk.
                    Don't let me touch you, if in my place, I have one hundred ways to let you stay, but you, but no. Oh, my love for those who think the most outstanding ability moves, you only need to remember, my name is Ye Liangchen.
                    Anyway, you can know all people all called out, but not mind to accompany you to play, if I win, you give me obediently rolled bar, don't insult.
                    Of course, if you stop, the most in the future, thank you very much, have thanks again.

                    IP属地:河北来自Android客户端47楼2015-10-18 09:30
                        ิۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖۖิۖิิۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۖ
                         ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิ
                          ิۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖۖิۖิิۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۖ
                         ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิ

                      来自Android客户端48楼2015-11-01 20:27
                          ิۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖۖิۖิิۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۖ
                           ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิ
                            ิۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖۖิۖิิۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۖ
                           ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิ

                        来自Android客户端49楼2015-11-01 20:28
                          ิۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖۖิۖิิۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۖ
                             ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิ
                              ิۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖۖิۖิิۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۖ
                             ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิ

                          来自Android客户端50楼2015-11-01 20:28
                            Yes, I'm Ye Liangchen.
                            You Post Bar behavior is if you feel the strength of That's going too far., play with me, but not to mind. Oh, I will let you know, but never talk.
                            Don't let me touch you, if in my place, I have one hundred ways to let you stay, but you, but no. Oh, my love for those who think the most outstanding ability moves, you only need to remember, my name is Ye Liangchen.
                            Anyway, you can know all people all called out, but not mind to accompany you to play, if I win, you give me obediently rolled bar, don't insult.
                            Of course, if you stop, the most in the future, thank you very much, have thanks again.

                            来自Android客户端51楼2015-11-01 22:43
                              ิۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖۖิۖิิۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۖ
                                 ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิ
                                  ิۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖۖิۖิิۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۖ
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                              来自Android客户端52楼2015-11-01 22:45