When editing the Firewatch E3 trailer, we asked ourselves, “What is the dumbest, most bad way someone might end this trailer?”
当我们在编辑/调整 看火人的E3 视频时,我们想了想:“那种算是结束一个视频的最蠢,最烂的方式?”
and and made a version that ends with an iris wipe in the shape of the Firewatch logo.
于是就做了一个一看火人的logo结束的iris wipe(三角形转场)方式(就是屏幕全黑中间只剩logo的结束方式)
It was then immediately rescued from the bad idea bin, set on fire, and thrown in the brilliantly-awful bin by Chris and our effects artist Mark Wood with the addition of a winking park ranger man Olly drew.
而这个烂想法马上就被Chris 和特效师 Mark Wood 采用并加了一个护林员Olly drew的眨眼结束,成了一个机智但并无卵用的废弃想法扔进了垃圾桶里
I then rescued it from that bin and put it on the blog.
by firewatch 吧
When editing the Firewatch E3 trailer, we asked ourselves, “What is the dumbest, most bad way someone might end this trailer?”
当我们在编辑/调整 看火人的E3 视频时,我们想了想:“那种算是结束一个视频的最蠢,最烂的方式?”
and and made a version that ends with an iris wipe in the shape of the Firewatch logo.
于是就做了一个一看火人的logo结束的iris wipe(三角形转场)方式(就是屏幕全黑中间只剩logo的结束方式)
It was then immediately rescued from the bad idea bin, set on fire, and thrown in the brilliantly-awful bin by Chris and our effects artist Mark Wood with the addition of a winking park ranger man Olly drew.
而这个烂想法马上就被Chris 和特效师 Mark Wood 采用并加了一个护林员Olly drew的眨眼结束,成了一个机智但并无卵用的废弃想法扔进了垃圾桶里
I then rescued it from that bin and put it on the blog.
by firewatch 吧