‘They wouldn’t have shot the film with us if there was a chemistry problem …whatever chemistry means. You have to jump through a lot of hoops to get a part like this, and they simply wouldn’t have cast us.’
She’s an easy person to get along with. She’s sweet. We instantly had a thing. It’s so important, given what we had ahead of us. If we hadn’t liked each other, I wouldn’t have been cast. I got cast because they thought it worked. Dakota and I get on so well. We’re friends now - Jamie Dornan
I’d been auditioning for parts for years. I never got any better at it. I’m crap at auditions. I know there are people who can walk into those rooms and make those lines sing on the page and get the job immediately. I wasn’t one of them. I’m still not one of them. - Jamie Dornan
And in that spirit, I’m gonna throw you a sweetener. How about once a week, on a night of your choosing, we go on a d a t e ? Just like a regular c o u p l e . Dinner, movie, ice skating…