鲁哀公十六年二月十一日(公元前479年4月11日),孔子患病不愈而卒,终年七十三岁,葬于鲁城北泗水岸边。[7] 不少弟子为之守墓三年,唯独子贡为孔子守墓stand guard六年。弟子及鲁国人从墓而家者上百家,得名孔里。孔子的故居改为庙堂,孔子受到人们的奉祀。[26-27]
The moving photo purporting to show soldiers standing guard at the arlingtonnational cemetery monument during hurricane sandy quickly spread on the socialweb.
汤姆:并非如此他在一个墓地上当守墓人。Tom: not really--he is a maintenance man in a cemetery.
对于守墓人你都知道些什么? What do you know about a groundskeeper?
The moving photo purporting to show soldiers standing guard at the arlingtonnational cemetery monument during hurricane sandy quickly spread on the socialweb.
汤姆:并非如此他在一个墓地上当守墓人。Tom: not really--he is a maintenance man in a cemetery.
对于守墓人你都知道些什么? What do you know about a groundskeeper?