1) xinmsn: What was your favourite scene in Against The Tide?最喜欢《逆潮》的哪场戏?Kaiyi: Personally for me, my favourite scene is episode 19 because of Xueqing’s (Rui En) transformation (from good to evil). It was really Rui En’s one-man show in that episode. That scene where she broke up with Christopher Lee was also memorable because it had a lot of feels to it and that was a silent scene with no background music. The audio post wanted to try this new style and suggested for us to reduce the music for a more immersive experience with no distractions, especially if the acting is strong, so that it feels more like a movie.
2) And your favourite character in the show is?最喜欢剧中哪个人物?Di Shen (Christopher Lee). When I was writing this script, I put some of my own thoughts into this character as a reflection of myself. He’s one of my most favourite characters of late.
As for Xueqing, well, she is a character I’ve written before and someone that goes from good to bad when things happen. She (Rui En) did a good job with it, although she thought there were insufficient scenes of her transition to a bad person. But I personally think that [her change should come later because] the story can’t be dragged on for too long when Xueqing changes. It becomes hard keep the story plot under wraps when she goes bad.
@云云2887 帮忙翻译一下)