I'm sinking into the sea (不要吐槽这句!!) 沉入悲伤之海的我 When I open my eyes, I feel so scared 连睁开眼睛都宛如永劫 Will I fall down somewhere, and no one can find me?(这句感觉怪怪的,语法一定有错误) 会就此坠落到某个地方,谁也找不到吗? ——“我们的奥X奥,现在变薄了。” 特么明明是偷工减料好不好还要打广告!
继续吧 Where should I go? What should I do? 该往哪里去、做些什麼? Suddenly, a bunch of light is shot. 忽然射♂进的一束光 I stretch my hand, it seems can be touched. 伸出手好像可以触及 But I am swept away by the surf. 却被波浪卷走而迷失 ありふれてる 幸せに恋した そんな时が 今も优しくて