We talk to the British actor about playing multifaceted characters, working withJake Paltrow, and what genre he’dlike to explore next.
我们采访了英国演员Nicholas Hoult,一起谈论了他多面化的角色演绎、与导演Jake Paltrow的合作以及接下来想挑战的剧本类型。
Set in thenear future when water is the world’s most preciousresource, Young Ones chronicles the struggles of Ernest Holm (Michael Shannon)as he tries to protect and provide for his family in a barren wasteland.Nicholas Hoult plays Flem Lever, an outsider with designs on Ernest’s daughter Mary (Elle Fanning), who will go to any lengths to claimErnest’s land as his own.
Young Ones把背景设定在不久的将来,水成为未来世界最宝贵的资源。该片讲述了生活在一片贫瘠之地的ErnestHolm(Michael Shannon)为了保护和养活家人而进行漫长斗争的故事。Nicholas Hoult饰演的局外人Flem Lever看上了Ernest家的女儿Mary (Elle Fanning饰),并且不择手段企图占有Ernest的地盘。
We talk to the X-Men: Days of Future Past star about creating his character,collaborating with writer/director Jake Paltrow, and playing opposite MichaelShannon.
在《X战警:逆转未来》中扮演年轻野兽的Nick向我们讲述了Flem角色的创作过程,与导演兼作家Jake Paltrow的合作经历以及和Michael Shannon的对手戏份。
Tribeca:The Young Ones premiered at Sundance this year. What was that experience like?
Young Ones在今年的圣丹斯电影节上举行了首映式。你对这次的圣丹斯之旅感受如何?
NicholasHoult: It was the first time I went to Sundance, and Ijust loved it. It’s an odd place. It was like the circuscame to town. It’s cool, though. I got to go and seeCamp X-ray and some other really great films. Plus, I got to snowboarding,which was really fun. I also saw Big Boi randomly at a few places. It’s just all these strange worlds colliding in a very beautifullocation.
虽然是第一次去圣丹斯,但我很喜欢那里。圣丹斯很特别,就像小镇上来了马戏团一样热闹。我看了Camp X-ray(14年影片,Kristen Stewart主演)等许多优秀的电影,然后去滑雪,一路上还时不时地看到Big Boi的名字!似乎所有你能想到的事都汇聚在这个迷人的地方。
Tribeca:As a young actor, I imagine a lot of scripts come your way. What stood outabout Young Ones?
作为一个年轻的演员,你收到的剧本应该很多。Young Ones有什么突出的地方,让你选择了它。
NH:It was the world that Jake [Paltrow] created. I was really fascinated by howthis western futuristic landscape affected the characters—it was a very desolate, desperate time for people. It put thesecharacters into an odd world.
我们采访了英国演员Nicholas Hoult,一起谈论了他多面化的角色演绎、与导演Jake Paltrow的合作以及接下来想挑战的剧本类型。
Set in thenear future when water is the world’s most preciousresource, Young Ones chronicles the struggles of Ernest Holm (Michael Shannon)as he tries to protect and provide for his family in a barren wasteland.Nicholas Hoult plays Flem Lever, an outsider with designs on Ernest’s daughter Mary (Elle Fanning), who will go to any lengths to claimErnest’s land as his own.
Young Ones把背景设定在不久的将来,水成为未来世界最宝贵的资源。该片讲述了生活在一片贫瘠之地的ErnestHolm(Michael Shannon)为了保护和养活家人而进行漫长斗争的故事。Nicholas Hoult饰演的局外人Flem Lever看上了Ernest家的女儿Mary (Elle Fanning饰),并且不择手段企图占有Ernest的地盘。
We talk to the X-Men: Days of Future Past star about creating his character,collaborating with writer/director Jake Paltrow, and playing opposite MichaelShannon.
在《X战警:逆转未来》中扮演年轻野兽的Nick向我们讲述了Flem角色的创作过程,与导演兼作家Jake Paltrow的合作经历以及和Michael Shannon的对手戏份。
Tribeca:The Young Ones premiered at Sundance this year. What was that experience like?
Young Ones在今年的圣丹斯电影节上举行了首映式。你对这次的圣丹斯之旅感受如何?
NicholasHoult: It was the first time I went to Sundance, and Ijust loved it. It’s an odd place. It was like the circuscame to town. It’s cool, though. I got to go and seeCamp X-ray and some other really great films. Plus, I got to snowboarding,which was really fun. I also saw Big Boi randomly at a few places. It’s just all these strange worlds colliding in a very beautifullocation.
虽然是第一次去圣丹斯,但我很喜欢那里。圣丹斯很特别,就像小镇上来了马戏团一样热闹。我看了Camp X-ray(14年影片,Kristen Stewart主演)等许多优秀的电影,然后去滑雪,一路上还时不时地看到Big Boi的名字!似乎所有你能想到的事都汇聚在这个迷人的地方。
Tribeca:As a young actor, I imagine a lot of scripts come your way. What stood outabout Young Ones?
作为一个年轻的演员,你收到的剧本应该很多。Young Ones有什么突出的地方,让你选择了它。
NH:It was the world that Jake [Paltrow] created. I was really fascinated by howthis western futuristic landscape affected the characters—it was a very desolate, desperate time for people. It put thesecharacters into an odd world.