Reynad原文一段话:20% of my 15,000 viewers in chat were asking me whether I thought he cheated at Dreamhack Summer. I know for a fact that he cheated in EU vs. China by being in a Skype call with a dozen teammates and screen sharing/talking through every play, because those very teammates told me they did.
------“B神,B神,你也玩贴吧?哟~都15级了啊!玩了多少年了?” “我才注册两天啊,升级不是很容易吗?我就发了一个我喝水的帖子就有15级了啊” “........”

------“B神,B神,你也玩贴吧?哟~都15级了啊!玩了多少年了?” “我才注册两天啊,升级不是很容易吗?我就发了一个我喝水的帖子就有15级了啊” “........”