failure resetting target to perform the flash operation
Can*t Run Target CPU: Error 0x00000020/-1150 Error during: Execution, JTAG protocol reset.
Power Failure on Target CPU: Error 0x00001020/-1145 Error during: Execution, Target, Unrecoverable emulation error
Failed to remove the debug state from the target before disconnecting. There may still be breakpoint opcodes embedded in program memory. It is recommended that you reset the emulator before you connect and reload your program before you continue debugging.
Failed Software Reset: Error 0x00000020/-1150 Error during: Execution, JTAG protocol reset.
Trouble Removing Breakpoint with the Action "Terminate GEL_Go()" at 0x9b84: Error 0x00000008/-1076 Error during: Break Point, Cannot set/verify breakpoint at 0x00009B84
failure resetting target to perform the flash operation
Can*t Run Target CPU: Error 0x00000020/-1150 Error during: Execution, JTAG protocol reset.
Power Failure on Target CPU: Error 0x00001020/-1145 Error during: Execution, Target, Unrecoverable emulation error
Failed to remove the debug state from the target before disconnecting. There may still be breakpoint opcodes embedded in program memory. It is recommended that you reset the emulator before you connect and reload your program before you continue debugging.
Failed Software Reset: Error 0x00000020/-1150 Error during: Execution, JTAG protocol reset.
Trouble Removing Breakpoint with the Action "Terminate GEL_Go()" at 0x9b84: Error 0x00000008/-1076 Error during: Break Point, Cannot set/verify breakpoint at 0x00009B84