我有些猜到活动内容了……Some crazy $hite is going on...
语音总共170条,前几十条是给OK打广告的,“Like,comment and subscribe-or I'll break ur fvcking legs!""Fvcking subscribe-I know where you live!"
之后是有点类似播音员的开场白”"This is Hoxton from the payday crew.Welcome.Keep your feet off the furniture"
之后是类似对于一场(类似对战,搏杀)比赛里的评论“Aw,get that man an Aspirin"
"Good effort,mate!"
接下来的……有点让我想到射击比赛”...and SCORE!""Point to the fvcking net!"Point to the pigs!"(BIG BANK的猪?)"Point to the fvcking police!""Point to the robbers!"(匪徒也是目标?!)
"...and here he comes,going for the gold“(BULLDOZER?类似DOTA2万圣节活动的ROSHAN,一场比赛里来搅局的难缠角色?)
然后是……"First Blood!"
