31, On credibility: “Jack White has just done a song for Coca-Cola. End of. He ceases to be in the club. And he looks like Zorro on doughnuts. He’s supposed to be the poster boy for the alternative way of thinking… I’m not having that, that’s fucking wrong. Particularly Coca-Cola, it’s like doing a fucking gig for McDonald’s.”
论代言: Jack White 为可口可乐广告做了一首歌,最后酒吧不准他入场。他简直就是蒙面侠苏洛滑稽版。以他的身分,他应该知道这么做会是个极大的错误,特别是写音乐给可口可乐这样的厂商,感觉就像在麦当劳办演唱会一样瞎。
32, On religion: “I certainly don’t believe in religion, although I find it fascinating that it’s become so powerful in the world and it’s kind of dictated morals down through societies for thousands of years, but I don’t see the hand of God at work in the world anywhere.”
再论宗教: 我没有任何信仰。而最有趣的一点莫过于,几千年来信仰对于社会的道德劝说上,在全世界都占很重要的角色。不过我倒没看过上帝做了什么事啊!
33, On ‘Be Here Now’: “If you’re given a blank cheque to record an album and as much studio time as you want you’re hardly gonna be focused. There’s a pub round the corner and Kentucky Fried Chicken – you just
论代言: Jack White 为可口可乐广告做了一首歌,最后酒吧不准他入场。他简直就是蒙面侠苏洛滑稽版。以他的身分,他应该知道这么做会是个极大的错误,特别是写音乐给可口可乐这样的厂商,感觉就像在麦当劳办演唱会一样瞎。
32, On religion: “I certainly don’t believe in religion, although I find it fascinating that it’s become so powerful in the world and it’s kind of dictated morals down through societies for thousands of years, but I don’t see the hand of God at work in the world anywhere.”
再论宗教: 我没有任何信仰。而最有趣的一点莫过于,几千年来信仰对于社会的道德劝说上,在全世界都占很重要的角色。不过我倒没看过上帝做了什么事啊!
33, On ‘Be Here Now’: “If you’re given a blank cheque to record an album and as much studio time as you want you’re hardly gonna be focused. There’s a pub round the corner and Kentucky Fried Chicken – you just