指环王吧 关注:146,445贴子:2,394,044
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1楼2014-06-13 20:03回复
    Man of the House of Beor deceived by Sauron into betraying hiscompanions. Gorlim was the son of Angrim. Gorlim was married to Eilinel, whomhe dearly loved. They had a house with fields and woods in the highlands ofDorthonion.
    In 455 of the First Age, Gorlim fought to defend Dorthonion in the Battleof Sudden Flame. Many Men of the House of Beor were slain, but Gorlim survived.He returned home to find his house plundered and Eilinel missing. He did notknow whether she had been captured or killed.
    Gorlim joined Barahir, the lord of the House of Beor, who refused to leaveDorthonion. Morgoth sent Sauron to hunt down Barahir and hisfollowers. Finally only twelve remained with Barahir: his son Beren and hisnephews Baragund and Belegund along with Gorlim, Radhruin, Dairuin,Dagnir, Ragnor, Gildor, Arthad, Urthel, and Hathaldir. They went into hidingnear the shores of Tarn Aeluin and Sauron could not find theirlair.
    Gorlim was the most fierce and desperate of the outlaws. He continued to hopethat his wife might have survived. Periodically he returned in secret tohis ruined home in case she returned. Sauron became aware of this, and in theautumn of 460 he tricked Gorlim into seeing an image in the window of Eilinellooking careworn and lamenting that Gorlim had forsaken her.
    Sauron's hunters seized Gorlim and tortured him but he did not reveal thelocation of Barahir's hideout. But when they promised to reunite him withEilinel, Gorlim broke down and agreed. They brought him before Sauron andGorlim hesitated but finally told Sauron what he wanted to know. Then Sauronrevealed that Eilinel was dead, and he fulfilled his promise to reunite thecouple by slaying Gorlim.
    Sauron sent Orcs to attack the hideout. Barahir and all his men were killedexcept for Beren, who was away on a mission. Gorlim appeared to Beren in adream to confess his treachery andwarn him. Beren arrived at the hideout too late to save his father and theothers, but he pursued the Orcs and killed their captain and retrievedhis father's ring.
    Names & Etymology:
    The name Gorlim is probably in the language of the Men of the Houseof Beor. The meaning is not known. He was called Gorlim the Unhappy.

    2楼2014-06-13 20:04

      3楼2014-06-13 20:09