10 Poor Rich Little Boy We Love to Hate
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Logan Echolls — Veronica Mars
Do you remember when Logan Echolls was the villain of this show? Veronica turned him around pretty quickly, but there was a time in Season 1 when Logan was the poster boy for everything that was wrong with the “09er” culture. You don’t remember? Should I mention the bum fights? No? Good. Once Logan became Veronica’s love interest, the show tried to fill his poor-little-rich-boy role with Dick Casablancas, but Dick was too affable to be vicious and a lot of the bite went out of the Neptune class warfare.

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Logan Echolls — Veronica Mars
Do you remember when Logan Echolls was the villain of this show? Veronica turned him around pretty quickly, but there was a time in Season 1 when Logan was the poster boy for everything that was wrong with the “09er” culture. You don’t remember? Should I mention the bum fights? No? Good. Once Logan became Veronica’s love interest, the show tried to fill his poor-little-rich-boy role with Dick Casablancas, but Dick was too affable to be vicious and a lot of the bite went out of the Neptune class warfare.