可以鉴定3次。。没图虽然退游了不过我不会记错的 Maybe 你的贴子将会加精 Your post will add 你的贴子将会登上首页 Your post will be on the home page 我已经被回复淹没 I have been inundated with responses 但希望你记住,我曾经出现过 But I hope you remember, I once had 我希望 I hope 一己之力,力挽狂澜 On my own, the tide
Maybe 你的贴子将会加精 Your post will add 你的贴子将会登上首页 Your post will be on the home page 我已经被回复淹没 I have been inundated with responses 但希望你记住,我曾经出现过 But I hope you remember, I once had 我希望 I hope 一己之力,力挽狂澜 On my own, the tide