Such an engine as I have described affordsa means for accomplishing a result heretofore unattained, the continuedproduction of electric currents of constant period, by imparting the movementsof the piston to a core or a coil in a magnetic filed. It should be statedhowever, that is applying the engine for this purpose certain conditions are encounteredthat should be taken into consideration in order to satisfactorily secure thedesired result. When a conductor is moved in a magnetic field and a currentcaused to circulate therein, the electro-magnetic reaction between in and thefield, might disturb the mechanical oscillation to such an extend as to throwit out of isochronism. This, for instance, might occur when theelectro-magnetic reaction is very great in comparison to the power of theengine, and there is retardation of the current so that the electro-magneticreaction might have an effect similar to that which would result from avariation of the tension of the spring, but if the circuit of the generator beso adjusted that the phases of the electromotive force and current coincide intime, that is to say, when the current is not retarded, then the generatordriven by the engine acts merely as a frictional resistance and will not, as arule, alter the period of the mechanical vibration, although it may vary its amplitude.This condition may be readily secured by properly proportioning theself-induction and capacity of the circuit including the generator. I havehowever, observed the further fact in connection with the use of such enginesas a means for running a generator, that it is advantageous that the period ofthe engine and the natural period of electrical vibration of the generatorshould be the same, as in such case the best conditions for electricalresonance are established and the possibility of disturbing the period ofmechanical vibrations is reduced to a minimum. I have found that even if thetheoretical conditions necessary for maintaining a constant period in theengine itself are not exactly maintained, still the engine itself are notexactly maintained, still the engine and generator combined will vibrate at aconstant period. For example, if instead of using in the engine an independentcylinder and plunger, as an air spring of practically constant rigidity, Icause the piston to impinge upon air cushions at the ends of its own cylinder,although the rigidity of such cushions or springs might be considerablyaffected and varied by the variations of pressure within the cylinder, still bycombining with such an engine a generator which has a period of its ownapproximately that of the engine, constant vibration may be maintained eventhrough a considerable range of varying pressure, owing to the controllingaction of the electro-magnetic system. I have even found that under certainconditions the influence of the electro-magnetic system may be made so great asto entirely control the period of the mechanical vibration once started, is notsufficient to change its rate. So, for the sake of illustration, if a pendulumis started in vibration, and a small force applied periodically in the properdirection to maintain it in motion, this force would have no substantialcontrol over the period of the oscillation, unless the inertia of the pendulumbe small in comparison to the impelling force, and this would be true no matterthrough what fraction of the period the force may be applied. In the case underconsideration the engine is merely an agent for maintaining the vibration oncestarted, although it will be understood that this does not preclude theperformance of useful work that would simply result in a shortening of thestroke. My invention, therefore, involves the combination of a piston free toreciprocate under the influence of stream or a gas under pressure and themovable element of an electric generator that is in direct mechanical connectionwith the piston, and it is more especially the object of my invention to securefrom such combination electric currents of a constant period. In the attainmentof this object I have found it preferable to construct the engine so that it ofitself controls the period, but as I have stated before, I may so modify theelements of the combination that the electro-magnetic system may exert apartial or even complete control of the period.