Players will be able to improve their skills while playing. Every action will improve one of their statistics:
running and jumping will improve your athletics, making you run faster and jump higher
doing actions while tired will increase your stamina, allowing to make longer efforts
using heavy tools or weapons will improve your strength, allowing you to use them more easily
taking damage will increase your vitality allowing you to take more damage
Another part of the leveling process is the concept of “zone level”. It is defined by the blocks’ hardness you will find in this zone. You can picture this as the tool level required to pick up that block. With the first tool you craft, you will not be able to go to the center of the planet; you will need several different levels of tools for that.
The last but not least aspect of the leveling is your technical level, defined by the level of the tools you can create. Traveling from one zone to the next will enable you to find new resources that can be used by the Job Master to research new recipes, enabling to craft more powerful items. Another way to improve your technical level is to fight enemies and take their gear. You can either use it directly or bring it to a Job Master to dismantle it and discover new recipes.
You will find lots of characters during your journey. They will ask you to complete tasks for them such as helping them to find specific objects or build structures. Through specific quests line, some of them will allow you to use their crafting skills once you have gained their trust: they will then become job masters.
These Job Masters are mandatory to progress throughout your journey. They will provide assistance in many different ways:
research new recipes
repair broken items
dismantle objects to learn how to reproduce them
recycle outdated objects
harvest crops for cooking
fight by your side
build structures following your orders
Therefore without Job Masters the player cannot create new objects and thus cannot progress in the game.
The first one you will encounter is Watts the blacksmith. He will be the one to teach how to craft low level tools, armors, weapons.
Players will be able to improve their skills while playing. Every action will improve one of their statistics:
running and jumping will improve your athletics, making you run faster and jump higher
doing actions while tired will increase your stamina, allowing to make longer efforts
using heavy tools or weapons will improve your strength, allowing you to use them more easily
taking damage will increase your vitality allowing you to take more damage
Another part of the leveling process is the concept of “zone level”. It is defined by the blocks’ hardness you will find in this zone. You can picture this as the tool level required to pick up that block. With the first tool you craft, you will not be able to go to the center of the planet; you will need several different levels of tools for that.
The last but not least aspect of the leveling is your technical level, defined by the level of the tools you can create. Traveling from one zone to the next will enable you to find new resources that can be used by the Job Master to research new recipes, enabling to craft more powerful items. Another way to improve your technical level is to fight enemies and take their gear. You can either use it directly or bring it to a Job Master to dismantle it and discover new recipes.
You will find lots of characters during your journey. They will ask you to complete tasks for them such as helping them to find specific objects or build structures. Through specific quests line, some of them will allow you to use their crafting skills once you have gained their trust: they will then become job masters.
These Job Masters are mandatory to progress throughout your journey. They will provide assistance in many different ways:
research new recipes
repair broken items
dismantle objects to learn how to reproduce them
recycle outdated objects
harvest crops for cooking
fight by your side
build structures following your orders
Therefore without Job Masters the player cannot create new objects and thus cannot progress in the game.
The first one you will encounter is Watts the blacksmith. He will be the one to teach how to craft low level tools, armors, weapons.