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【每日歌曲】There Will Be Fireworks - Here Is Where



IP属地:江苏1楼2014-02-17 19:16回复
    而到了新砖<The Dark, Dark Bright>的时候,男孩们都长大了,也一个个离开了Glasgow,去开辟自己的天地,五个人只剩下一个还留在Glasgow当律师,其他的有两个去了Edinburgh,两个去了London,也就是在这种情况下,在乐队成员聚在一起的机会都很少,更别说排练的情况下,新砖被写出了,主要的作者是Nicky McManus,也就是唯一留在Glasgow的那一位,他同时也是乐队的主唱。据说他大多数的歌都是在港口旁的公寓内写成的。看着窗外那些熟悉的街道,那些已经离去的友情,爱情;曾经一起玩乐队的小伙伴们也都各奔东西,多少回忆,多少惆怅。<The Dark, Dark Bright>是充满乡愁,成长之愁的专辑,但那并不是像Keane<Strangeland>那种功成名就后想回归平静,想起过去的日子满是感激亦或遗憾,McManus从未离开Glasgow,也从未获得那么大的成功。但那种回忆是令人感动的,似乎看到了每一个人的成长,和世界的沧桑变迁。

    IP属地:江苏3楼2014-02-17 20:12
      Here Is Where - There Will Be Fire...

      而Here Is Where在我看来则是全专的核心曲目,描述着Glasgow的历史变迁,诉说着那些记忆角落的往事。

      IP属地:江苏5楼2014-02-17 20:21
        The city sleeps but we're awake
        We spirit home before the break
        Of dawn upon the streets
        In which we live and love and breathe
        And half the high-rises have turned to dust
        The Fairfields now are scrap and rust
        The sirens sing, the west wind howls
        What once was here was holy ground
        Not now
        And I confess that I've lately been a mess
        So I wonder where you'll sleep tonight
        And decide it would be best
        To stay out late and not come home
        To wander Kelvingrove alone
        I'm young enough to still believe
        Some faded glory might just shelter me
        And here is where my whole world turns
        And here is where my heart returns
        And here is where I've sworn and cursed
        And here is where I kissed you first
        In amber light shot through with rain
        I swear I don't intend to waste a syllable
        Each word is blessed
        The truth must blaze through every single breath
        Unbending, stark
        A lit steeple against unending dark
        And someone sprayed this on the wall:
        "I love it here"
        I don't at all
        Do you live for the love you've found?
        Some sad slow song to lay you down
        And still your weary worried heart
        Throw light upon your darkest dark
        That unsung psalm burst into flame
        That wild black night that calls your name
        O river, take my bloodied bones
        The toll can have my heart to hold
        Do you live for the loves you've lost?
        Do they linger in your thoughts?
        And ever in your fitful sleeps
        (In your wild and dark imaginings)
        Do you ever really dream of me?
        And if you did what would that mean?
        O river, take my bloodied bones
        The toll can have my heart to hold
        Unbending, stark
        A lit steeple against unending dark
        O river, take my bloodied bones
        The toll can have my heart to hold

        IP属地:江苏6楼2014-02-17 20:33
          The city sleeps but we're awake 我们在沉睡的城市里苏醒
          We spirit home before the break 在破晓前向家走去
          Of dawn upon the streets 黄昏降落在街道上
          In which we live and love and breathe 在哪里我们曾经生活,爱与呼吸
          And half the high-rises have turned to dust 一半的高地早已化作尘埃
          The Fairfields now are scrap and rust 古老的造船厂也早已锈迹斑斑
          The sirens sing, the west wind howls 警笛号叫,西风呼啸
          What once was here was holy ground 这里曾经是神圣的土地啊
          Not now 却早已褪去辉煌
          And I confess that I've lately been a mess 我承认我最近的生活也是一团糟
          So I wonder where you'll sleep tonight 不知今夜将在何处入睡
          And decide it would be best 或许最好的妥协便是
          To stay out late and not come home 彻夜在外而不归家
          To wander Kelvingrove alone 在凯文格罗夫博物馆独自彳亍
          I'm young enough to still believe 天真年轻的心让我相信
          Some faded glory might just shelter me 那些逝去的辉煌可以让我躲藏
          And here is where my whole world turns 在这里,我的世界天翻地覆
          And here is where my heart returns 但这里,却终归是我的心之所属
          And here is where I've sworn and cursed 我曾在这里发誓与诅咒
          And here is where I kissed you first 也曾在这里与你第一次相遇
          In amber light shot through with rain 琥珀色的灯光弥散在朦胧雨色中
          I swear I don't intend to waste a syllable 我保证我不会浪费每一个音节
          Each word is blessed 每个词都满载着祝福
          The truth must blaze through every single breath 每一次呼吸都折射着美好的气息
          Unbending, stark 顽强,不屈
          A lit steeple against unending dark 孤独的灯塔对抗着无边的黑暗
          And someone sprayed this on the wall: 有人在墙上喷下这样的话
          "I love it here" 我爱这里
          I don't at all 那个人,不会是我
          Do you live for the love you've found? 你是否为那些让你倾心的爱而活?
          Some sad slow song to lay you down 那些忧伤的慢歌让你郁郁寡欢
          And still your weary worried heart 但你那颗多愁善感的心啊
          Throw light upon your darkest dark 固执的把光亮投入无尽的深渊
          That unsung psalm burst into flame 未诵尽的诗篇化作熊熊的火焰
          That wild black night that calls your name 黑夜疯狂地嘶吼着你的名字
          O river, take my bloodied bones 河流啊,载我而归吧
          The toll can have my heart to hold 在我的心支离破碎之前
          Do you live for the loves you've lost? 你是否还为那些失去的爱而心绪不宁?
          Do they linger in your thoughts? 他们是否还在你的脑中久久徘徊?
          And ever in your fitful sleeps 在你那断断续续的睡眠中
          (In your wild and dark imaginings) 在你那狂野而阴暗的想象里
          Do you ever really dream of me? 在梦中,你曾与我相遇么?
          And if you did what would that mean? 如果这样,那又有什么意义?
          O river, take my bloodied bones 河流啊,载我而归吧
          The toll can have my heart to hold 在我的心支离破碎之前
          Unbending, stark 顽强,不屈
          A lit steeple against unending dark 孤独的灯塔对抗着无边的黑暗
          O river, take my bloodied bones 河流啊,在我而归吧
          The toll can have my heart to hold 在我的心支离破碎之前

          IP属地:江苏7楼2014-02-17 21:11

            哈哈献上有爱的in exlesis deo Live,圣诞歌,时间好像有点不对。。。

            IP属地:江苏8楼2014-02-18 18:54

              IP属地:江苏9楼2015-12-07 07:17