TOP 5 IPAD APPS— No. 1 is "obviously, Racing Blind."
asa:这是app store里唯一能闭着眼玩的app,我爸配乐,我设计路线,我的好基友帮忙写程序,我们希望能尽快登上安卓平台。(我们有福啦!)
— No. 2 is Alien Blue (free), for browsing on the Reddit Web community on the iPad. "I go on Reddit a lot. This is great."
— No. 3 is Brushes 3 (free) for painting with your fingers on the iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch. "It's really simple to use … has some great effects."
— No. 4 is Dragon Finga, (free) a kung-fu action game. "It's lots of fun."(asa竟然玩免费功夫游戏?)
— No. 5 is NanoStudio ($13.99) a home recording studio for the iPad. "You can create music and your own synths and drum patterns." From the iPad creations, he can export the file and continue working on it in more full-scale Apple Logic on the computer.(这孩纸不惜一切代价搞音乐)I