Hello you. Couple updates on general generalness...
I just wanted to thank everyone one who has come to see and support 'Houdini', the play, these past few weeks. We are coming to the end of week two of our tour and it has already been a crazy, challenging and fun experience, unlike any project I've worked on before. It's kinda like living with a travelling circus and I LOVE IT!! This show is still a work in progress and it grows and changes every night. There have been highs and lows, technical difficulties and plenty of unchoreographed falls (mostly by me, of course) but this play is truly a labour of love and everyone involved has worked tirelessly to honour the memory and legacy of Houdini and to bring these fascinating people back to life. So thank you to everyone who has supported this show, and me on this journey. It makes my night after every show to meet some of you and to hear that you enjoyed it. :) If anyone else wants to come see it, we will be travelling to Swansea next week, then Windsor, and finishing in the Gaiety in Dublin! Tickets are still available at all these locations via this link:http://www.houdinitheplay.com/#!uk-tour/ct9h
Also, thank you to all the people who have sent fanmail to the theatres or delivered to me in person. It is lovely to read them in between shows, and buoys me up with confidence and enthusiasm for each performance. I don't have a great deal of time to reply to them at the moment but I am keeping them and will reply when all this touring madness has abated.
On that note, my fanmail addresses have changed lately. My management, Schumacher Management have moved their location so the Santa Monica Blvd address is NO LONGER IN USE. For the UK, I am now represented by Alex Segal at Cole Kitchenn so mail sent care of Alex should eventually be passed onto me. I am refraining from posting the full addresses here as I won't be able to respond to mail for another couple of months and already have a hefty backlog... but in the meantime, please don't send mail to the old Schumacher Management address as it most likely will not be passed onto me!! I will give a more thorough update, including full addresses once I have finished with Houdini and have gone back to normal life.
Also, AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALAND! I'mma see you soon! Will be at the Armaggeddon events in Melbourne and Auckland this October. No idea how tickets are procured, but google it maybe? Can't wait to meet some of you/ hug ALL the koalas!
Lastly, a month and a bit late- THANK YOU for all the Happy Birthday wishes. Every year I think 'surely people have forgotten about me by now?' and every year I am very pleasantly surprised.
Evy xxx
Hello you. Couple updates on general generalness...
I just wanted to thank everyone one who has come to see and support 'Houdini', the play, these past few weeks. We are coming to the end of week two of our tour and it has already been a crazy, challenging and fun experience, unlike any project I've worked on before. It's kinda like living with a travelling circus and I LOVE IT!! This show is still a work in progress and it grows and changes every night. There have been highs and lows, technical difficulties and plenty of unchoreographed falls (mostly by me, of course) but this play is truly a labour of love and everyone involved has worked tirelessly to honour the memory and legacy of Houdini and to bring these fascinating people back to life. So thank you to everyone who has supported this show, and me on this journey. It makes my night after every show to meet some of you and to hear that you enjoyed it. :) If anyone else wants to come see it, we will be travelling to Swansea next week, then Windsor, and finishing in the Gaiety in Dublin! Tickets are still available at all these locations via this link:http://www.houdinitheplay.com/#!uk-tour/ct9h
Also, thank you to all the people who have sent fanmail to the theatres or delivered to me in person. It is lovely to read them in between shows, and buoys me up with confidence and enthusiasm for each performance. I don't have a great deal of time to reply to them at the moment but I am keeping them and will reply when all this touring madness has abated.
On that note, my fanmail addresses have changed lately. My management, Schumacher Management have moved their location so the Santa Monica Blvd address is NO LONGER IN USE. For the UK, I am now represented by Alex Segal at Cole Kitchenn so mail sent care of Alex should eventually be passed onto me. I am refraining from posting the full addresses here as I won't be able to respond to mail for another couple of months and already have a hefty backlog... but in the meantime, please don't send mail to the old Schumacher Management address as it most likely will not be passed onto me!! I will give a more thorough update, including full addresses once I have finished with Houdini and have gone back to normal life.
Also, AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALAND! I'mma see you soon! Will be at the Armaggeddon events in Melbourne and Auckland this October. No idea how tickets are procured, but google it maybe? Can't wait to meet some of you/ hug ALL the koalas!
Lastly, a month and a bit late- THANK YOU for all the Happy Birthday wishes. Every year I think 'surely people have forgotten about me by now?' and every year I am very pleasantly surprised.
Evy xxx