Three days before Christmas I got a cashier's check on a Las Vegas bank for $100. A note written on hotel paper came with it. He thanked me, wished me a Merry Christmas and all kinds of luck and said he hoped to see me again soon.
可惜Marlowe说自己其实不想见到他,只是因为工作没法避免。(I just didn't want to see him again. But I knew I would—if only on account of his goddamn gold-plated pigskin suitcase.)
From then on it got to be a sort of habit with him to drop in around five o'clock. We didn't always go to the same bar, but oftener to Victor's than anywhere else.
"What I don't get is why a guy with your privileges would want to drink with a private eye."
"Are you being modest?"
"Nope. I'm just puzzled. I'm a reasonably friendly type but we don't live in the same world. I don't even know where you bang out except that it's Encino. I should guess your
home life is adequate."
He finished his drink at a gulp and stood up. "I've got to run, Marlowe. Besides I'm boring you and God knows I'm boring myself."
"You're not boring me. I'm a trained listener. Sooner or later I may figure out why you like being a kept poodle."
……一糖一鞭= =
He touched his scars gently with a fingertip. He had a remote little smile. "You should, wonder why she wants me around, not why I want to be there, waiting patiently on my satin cushion to have my head patted."

We went out into the tired evening and he said he wanted to walk. We had come in my car, and for once I had been fast enough to grab the check. I watched him out of sight. The light from a store window caught the gleam of his white hair for a moment as he faded into the light mist.
I liked him better drunk, down and out, hungry and beaten and proud. Or did I? Maybe I just liked being top man.