@lihen81http://www.d2kplus.com/index.php去这个网,左侧很长的目录里有分目录mission mods(别人编的战役地图)下载一个下来。
1) Copying missions: Copy the missions folder from the pack and pste it in your dune folder, overwriting existing one. The location of the missions folder depends: if you have our fan-patched multiplayer version, the missions folder is located inside Data folder. In Westwood released dune, the missions folder is located in the min dune folder.
2) Enabling playing as Mercenaries or other subhouses: Copy the DUNE2000.DAT from the pack and paste it in main dune folder, overwriting existing one.
3) Enabling the custom briefings and unit names: Copy the text.uib from the pack to Data/UI_DATA overwriting existing one.
4) For the Mission Select button, please see the corresponding folder from the pack.
NOTE: Please backup all files that you are going to overwrite.