曼大胖在推特和脸书上发表了这么一句气焰嚣张的话,详见 - http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2550971156
其中有一位叫Jennifer Lou Ann Gordon的妹子反应极其激烈。
Excuse me but you always told us fans to be our own individual selves & not to follow what you say or do. Remember?Cause you said you make poor unhealthy choices but that's your decision & you pay the price for it.I listened to your advice on that & you were right. Its a shame you just don't do the same. Look I don't get the privilege of having someone to be with or hangout like you. I don't have money all the time to go out do fun things or party. I just have my dogs. I don't have the looks for people to desire or love me like you .So please stop nagging
or bitching at me or any of us other fans by telling us what to do & just ask us Okay?! It's that simple.
看看关注自己的人 到底记不记得自己的观念,看看有多少爱玩角色扮演的脑残粉,
看见Jennifer Lou Ann Gordon这样的人 可能就躲在电脑那边儿乐呢吧- -
在我看来 很爱曼狗很了解曼狗的家伙 可能才会对他这句话反应这么大吧= =,感觉话里带有对这种表面上的“改变”感到 担忧和气愤的成分ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ