当然 召出来的怪没有经验。。 最后 送一个小小的福利。。。是不是随机地图里面没有10级兵很不爽?是不是不看见圣龙不痛快?少年,只要你修改了script00.erm 什么都不是问题。。 ** footprint values: 0 = Y, 1 = RY, 2 = YR, 3 = RYR, 4 = other !!VRy20:S0; [initialize object counter to 0]!!UN:P137/?y3; [check if Level 8 Creature Dwellings option is enabled]!!VRy3&y21=0:S0; [set y3 to 0 if Replace Objects isn't enabled]!!VRy20&y3=1:+1; [add one to object counter]!!VRy11&y3=1:Sy20 *7; [number to add to index variable]!!VRy10&y3=1:S593 +y11; [new index number]!!VRvy10&y3=1:C17/62/1/-1/0/1/0; [frozen cliffs] [table of Azure Dragon dwelling] !!VRy20&y3=1:+1; [add one to object counter]!!VRy11&y3=1:Sy20 *7; [number to add to index variable]!!VRy10&y3=1:S593 +y11; [new index number]!!VRvy10&y3=1:C17/63/1/-1/0/1/0; [crystal caverns] [table of Crystal Dragon dwelling] !!VRy20&y3=1:+1; [add one to object counter]!!VRy11&y3=1:Sy20 *7; [number to add to index variable]!!VRy10&y3=1:S593 +y11; [new index number]!!VRvy10&y3=1:C17/65/1/-1/0/1/0; [毒龙 ] [table of Crystal Dragon dwelling] !!FU671&y20>0:P89/-1/1/y20/90; [replace 9999% of Lean To's]!!FU671&y20>0:P90/-1/1/y20/90; [replace 9999% of Lean To's] ** table fields: type/subtype/footprint/terrain/back wall/edge x/edge y 粘贴到00的中间位置 圣龙山毒龙煲水晶龙巢将会有90%几率置换地图上的中级和高级魔法殿。。。。几率可以自己改。。当然 东西也可以。
是不是觉得电脑不给力?除了哪个电脑加强的ERM 这里还有一个哦 让电脑战斗/冒险所获得的经验翻3倍 当然倍数可以自己改。 !#TM59:S1/999/1/1; 这里改用TM59(采用变量平原未使用的TM变量) !?TM59;!!FU1800:P1799; 这里采用函数内触发函数的写法,保证不和任何的临时y变量也发生冲突 !?FU1800&x1=1799; !!UN:U98/-1/?y1; !!DO1800/1/y1/1&y1>0:P1800; !?FU1800&x1=1800; !!UN:U98/-1/x16/1; !!CA1:H0/?y2; !!FU&y2<0:E; !!HEy2:Ed1000; ** WoG AI hero experiences expander by Jack** Script78.erm** Last Updated April 3,2013** Previously Updated: April 2, 2013 ** Variables Used: v9900-v9904** Flags: None** z variaables: None** Functions: None ** Heroes controlled by AI can get 500% experieces.** ONE human only.** DO NOT set guards for Pandora's Box. !#OW:I0/?y1; !#VRv9900&y1=0:S0; !#OW:I1/?y1; !#VRv9900&y1=0:S1; !#OW:I2/?y1; !#VRv9900&y1=0:S2; !#OW:I3/?y1; !#VRv9900&y1=0:S3; !#OW:I4/?y1; !#VRv9900&y1=0:S4; !#OW:I5/?y1; !#VRv9900&y1=0:S5; !#OW:I6/?y1; !#VRv9900&y1=0:S6; !#OW:I7/?y1; !#VRv9900&y1=0:S7; [find which player is human] !?BA52; [any battles start]!!BA:H0/?v9901; [get the attacking hero number]!!BA:H1/?v9902; [get the defending hero number]!!HEv9901:E?v9903; [get the attacking hero exp.]!!HEv9902&v9902>-1:E?v9904; [get the defending hero exp.] !?BA53; [any battles end]!!HEv9901:E?y1 O?y3; [get the attacking hero exp. & his player]!!HEv9902&v9902>-1:E?y2 O?y4; [get the defending hero exp. & his player]!!VRy1:-v9903; [calculate change of att. hero exp.]!!VRy2:-v9904; [calculate change of def. hero exp.]!!VRy1:*2; [multiplied by 2]!!VRy2:*2; [multiplied by 2]!!HEv9901&y3<>v9900:Edy1; [amplify the att. hero exp. to 500% if not human]!!HEv9902&v9902>-1/y4<>v9900:Edy2; [amplify the def. hero exp. to 500% if not human] !?OB2; [any heroes visit sacrificial altar]!!HE-1:E?v9903; [get hero exp.] !$OB2; [any heroes have visited sacrificial altar]!!HE-1:E?y1 O?y3; [get hero exp. & his player]!!VRy1:-v9903; [calculate the change]!!VRy1:*2; [multiplied by 4]!!HE-1&y3<>v9900:Edy1; [amplify to 500% if not human] !?OB6; [any heroes pick Pandora's Box]!!HE-1:E?v9903; [get hero exp.] !$OB6; [any heroes have picked Pandora's Box]!!HE-1:E?y1 O?y3; [get hero exp. & his player]!!VRy1:-v9903; [calculate the change]!!VRy1:*2; [multiplied by 4]!!HE-1&y3<>v9900:Edy1; [amplify to 500% if not human] !?OB100; [any heroes visit a stone]!!HE-1:E?v9903; [get hero exp.] !$OB100; [any heroes have visited a stone]!!HE-1:E?y1 O?y3; [get hero exp. & his player]!!VRy1:-v9903; [calculate the change]!!VRy1:*2; [multiplied by 4]!!HE-1&y3<>v9900:Edy1; [amplify to 500% if not human] !?OB101; [any heroes pick a chest]!!HE-1:E?v9903; [get hero exp.] !$OB101; [any heroes have picked a chest]!!HE-1:E?y1 O?y3; [get hero exp. & his player]!!VRy1:-v9903; [calculate the change]!!VRy1:*2; [multiplied by 4]!!HE-1&y3<>v9900:Edy1; [amplify to 500% if not human] !?OB102; [any heroes visit a tree]!!HE-1:E?v9903; [get hero exp.] !$OB102; [any heroes have visited a tree]!!HE-1:E?y1 O?y3; [get hero exp. & his player]!!VRy1:-v9903; [calculate the change]!!VRy1:*2; [multiplied by 4]!!HE-1&y3<>v9900:Edy1; [amplify to 500% if not human] 好吧 开始我没有分行- -我忘了。。。。。。。。。。但是后面TM一点都不好分。反正复制个TXT然后改后缀就行了把。。 要放在目录下DATA/S的文件夹里面哦