ordo funebris的Lycanthia,La Danza,Final chapter,A witches song,Santa Compaña,Portrait Of Innocence,The Lake Of Cristaline Dreams等等
Raithneach -- Clann Lir
У Нас Ныне -- ВеданЪ КолодЪ ←这个是俄罗斯的
There, for halmom -- Stary Olsa ←西欧中世纪民谣
Drink Down the Moon -- Ougenweide
High Germany -- Pentangle
The Green Dragon [Feat. Billy Boyd And Dominic Monaghan] ←魔戒第三部开头的时候皮聘和梅林在桌子上跳舞唱的歌
Corvus Corax的 O Fortuna (Carmina Burana)
Blackmore's Night的 Far far away ←这对夫妇挺不错的 我刚听了这一首
Empyrium 的 Many Moons Ago,Wehmut,Where at Night the Wood Grouse Plays,The Sad Song of the Wind ←《Where at the night the wood grouse plays》这整张专辑都很好