贝克汉姆访同济大学引踩踏 ,造成7人受伤。看到小贝 下午发了一条微博发表歉意。I had an incredible response from everyone at Shanghai Tongji University today, sorry I couldn't get out on the pitch to see the teams It was impossible to get through the massive crowds. I heard there were a few injuries, hope the fans are ok and I wish them a speed recovery. 大致应该是 今天我的上海同济大学之行,受到了难以致信的关注。很抱歉,我未能抵达球场与球队碰面,因为我无法穿越现场庞大的人群。我听说有人受伤,希望粉丝们都安好,并且希望他们快快康复。