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■关于英语 - 词汇 - SAT词汇


It's all about the HIT PARADE!

IP属地:北京1楼2013-05-26 21:26回复
    当年SAT的阅读部分很让人头疼,满篇生词,其实如果当时背齐了BARRON 3500,可能就能应付自如了。现在虽然可以读报纸、读教材、读论文,但一旦去读小说就麻烦了,仍然会遇到许多生词。
    所以谦虚一些,现在回过头来看看SAT的HIT PARADE WORDS吧:
    "Generally speaking, the SAT tests the kinds of words that an educated adult — yourEnglish teacher, for example — would know without having to look them up. It teststhe sorts of words that you encounter in your daily reading, from a novel in English class to the newspaper."
    ——Craking the SAT, 2012 edition
    ▲ Words listed, explanations and means of memorising will all be from the book mentioned above as well. I don't own any of these materials and this post is for learning purposes only.

    IP属地:北京2楼2013-05-26 21:42
      5.27 一 (晚了 不过还是按周一算吧)
      二 三 五 一 一 6.27
      ♦effusive          ef YOO siv
      showing excessive emotions;overflowing
      ♦euphemism          YOO fuh miz um
      a mild, indirect, or vague TERM substituting for a harsh, blunt, or offensive term
      ♦extrapolate          ek STRAP uh layt
      to infer or estimate by extending or projecting known information

      IP属地:北京5楼2013-05-28 05:52
        In the case of missing daily objective, if the 3 words are not posted within the following day(in detail, with explanation and example sentence so they can be actually LEARNT) to compensate, postpone these words till the end of the period and we will worry about them then.
        So we don't have to scramble to deal with words from previous days, bringing pressure and thus dwindling motivation. This damn situation always happens to prolonged plans, by the way.

        IP属地:北京12楼2013-06-05 21:58
          ## Mr. Estado was well known for his staid demeanor(manner); he stayed calm even when everyone else celebrated the team's amazing victory.
          List 4:
          known or understood by only a few
          ## The dusty archive includes an arcane treasure trove(discovered stuff) of nautical(maritime) charts from the Age of Discovery.
          ◇assimilate   【kind of mastered, but I think the example sentence valuable】
          to absorb or become absorbed; to make or become similar
          ## Keisha assimilated so quickly at her new school that she was named head of the social committee a month after enrolling.

          IP属地:北京13楼2013-06-08 22:17
            不过现在既然弄了个自动计算复习计划的小程序,命名为Memory Booster,以后就靠这个来学习单词和其他东西吧。这个贴子可以正式作废了,也吸取教训,以后不弄这种贴子了。无论怎么绞尽脑汁地简化,我也坚持不下来。只有把一切都自动化才行。
            如果之后发现Memory Booster还是不行,就继续开发Memory Booster 2.0吧。

            IP属地:北京14楼2013-10-01 04:52