贴一段外粉关于Sam & Sarah 2人重逢,开门看到彼此那一瞬间,对7年的脑补
#they’re both so grown up #and imagine #imagine being that girl who opens her door every day #waiting for the boy who once kissed her #to be on the other side #and you open that door day after day #week after week #month after month #and its never him #that sweet boy #with grave dirt in his pockets and lighter fluid on his hands #he never comes #so you stop thinking about him and you stop wishing #and then #ten years later #you open the door #and it’s him #and you barely recognize him for the shadows under his eyes #and the hurt set to his mouth #this is not the boy you met ten years ago #he has the same name and he stands about the same height #he still looks kindly and treads softly #but this is not sam #you barely recognize sam #and it’s not until he says your name #soft and gentle and a little shy #that you’re able to even recognize #this boy #this man #this weathered down hero [via]

#他们彼此都已成人 #想象 # 7年前Sam离开后)那个女生每天都打开她的门# 等待那个曾经亲过他的男孩 # 在门的外面 # 但是每一次都不是他 # 那个温柔可爱的男孩 # 他的衣服上沾着坟墓的灰尘 手里残留着打火机液 # 他没有再来 # 终于你开始不再去想他 不再盼望 # 之后 # 时隔多年 # 你打开了门 # 是他 # 你几乎认不出来他了 因为他的黑眼圈 # 还有他嘴角一丝的伤痛 # 这已经不是你7年前见到的那个男孩 # 他还是一样的名字 一样的身高 # 他看上去还是善良 脚步温和 # 但他不是Sam了 # 你几乎难以认出sam # 直到他叫你的名字 # 安静而温柔 还有一点腼腆 # 这时你才能认出 # 这个男人 # 这个饱经风霜的英雄
来源:dimpleforyourthoughts @ tblr