I told youI’d speak in loose metaphors, by the way,” says Tom Hiddleston with a wry smileover Earl Grey tea and a slice of lemon cake, as he begins to pick apart theperspective-shattering experience he’s just had as a UNICEF representative inGuinea, West Africa. It’s not quite the interview I was expecting from the starof blockbuster Tinseltown fare like Thor, but it’s a damn sight moreinteresting than long diatribes about process, method and the fabulousity ofpool parties and endless cocktails. Then again, maybe it’s not totallyunexpected. Hiddleston did make his name in the heart-wrenching WWI drama WarHorse, after all.
“顺便说下,我告诉你我只说随便打个比方”,品着格雷伯爵茶,伴着一块柠檬蛋糕,Tom Hiddleston带着一丝苦笑说道,此刻他正在开始“针砭”他作为联合国儿童基金会的代表访问西非几内亚后震撼观念的感触。这远非我所期待的对好莱坞票房巨片“雷神”的明星的采访,然而这却比——对过程方法的长篇冷嘲热讽,以及泳池派对和无尽的鸡尾酒之无稽——显然有趣多了。另一方面,也许这也并非完全意外。毕竟Hiddleston是以令人心碎的一战故事片《战马》成名的。
“Every time you consider a job, you have to check in withyour inner compass and say, ‘Does this fit in with how I see what the work isfor? Is this going to besomething interesting and valuable to contribute to the world?’” He’sreconciling his experience in one of the world’s most devastatingly needycountries with his occupation which, by his own admission, can seem “flippant”in comparison to the work of those on the frontline of fighting world poverty.“All I am, really is a sort-of town crier.” He continues, elaborating on hisrole at the charity. “I’m someone who can write about it and make people aware,but I’m not distributing vaccines; I’m not organizing transportation; I can’tmake fortified milk for infants who are malnourished; I can’t build schools andfind jobs and build training systems; I’m not a chemist; I’m not an engineer;I’m not a politician- I’m just in the position where people, some people, a fewpeople, will read what I’ve got to say.”
“每次你斟酌一份工作,你都需用你内心的罗盘去辨析,并问‘ 这是否和我期待的工作意向吻合?’”在世界上最贫困的国家之一,他身体力行,以他的职业,他自认,与那些最前线的工作的相比,堪称“轻如鸿毛”。“我的一切,实际上,类似某种街头公告员”他接着说,详解他在慈善事业中的作用。“我可以动笔写并且让人们予以关注,但我不会分配疫苗;我不会组织运输;我不会为营养不良的儿童调制强化奶;我不会建学校并且解决就业和建制培训系统;我不是药剂师;我不是工程师;我不是政要——我的地位可以让人们,一些人,少许人,倾听我的言论”。
And what he doeshave to say offers a remakably poetic take on the situation, which isrefeshingly heartfelt and introspective when compared to straight-faced, albeitbrave reportage from hardened field journalists. His perspective is in no smallpart due to his love of the abstract metaphor. For instance, he wrote thefollowing in one of his UNICEF blogs: “I feel as though the cardboard box of myown reality has been flattened and blown open. Now I can see the edge of theworld.”
It’s clearHiddleston is moved and still buzzing from his experience in Africa, becausethroughout our meeting he repeatedly stops in reflection and mentions just how excitedhe feels about life at the moment, positively brimming with optimism andinspiration.