Tom: Yeah,I was a big fan of South Park, when I was in school which seems like a whileago now…And all I know about this, is that we’ve spent three days shooting theAvengers in New York in the summer of 2011, and we went in Albuquerque in NewMexico and Cleveland in Ohio. And as soon as we arrived in New York, all ofanyone wanted to do was going to this, and there was like tickets going on theInternet for 1000 dollars. And you know people was saying that “Wow, it was allsold out! How can we go?” I didn’t get to see it. And I have never seen it. So I’m just really excited to see it, like people everyone I’ve spoken to just saidit’s like people was crying to laugh or so…Yeah. I’m really looking forwardsto.
Tom: 对,我曾是“南方公园”的忠实粉,在我上学的时候,不过这可是好久以前了……我得知这个剧(“摩门经”)是在2011年夏天我们在纽约拍摄妇联的三天里,而我们曾在新墨西哥的阿尔伯克基和俄亥俄的克利夫兰。等我们一到纽约,所有的人都希望看这个(戏),互联网上的票价被炒上了千元美金。并且你知道人们怎么说:“喔嗷,(票)全部售完,我们现在怎么办?”我就没看成。而且我还没看过呢。所以我真的很兴奋去观看(该剧),像我问到的所有的人都只是说“人们笑得眼泪都出来了”所以,对,我非常期待.
J: Do you shock easily?
Tom: Uhmmmmm…probably not. I quite like a bit of, I quit like a bit of… when something’s sowrong that it’s right, you know?
J: And howabout musical? Do you like Musicals?
Tom: Yeah,I mean, I’m not like a diehard fun of musicals. My favorite is a kind of theold ones, like Guys and Dolls, Singing in the Rain. Guys and doll that I love,I just, I love to do that one day maybe.