This next stage, the wings took a bit of thinking, I wanted the wings to be angled back and fully spread out as if he was landing on the ball. They also had to be strong because I wanted each feather to stand out and have detail. I wanted there to be three layers of feathers for each wing. However they needed to taper back on each other so they weren’t bulky.
The foam lids that I had picked up from work were about 22mm (13/16”) thick, that was way to thick so I needed to be able to cut it down to about 8mm (3/16”) and this thickness had to be even. This really got me thinking, so I ended up making a hot wire jigsaw to slice the foam.
I then clamped a piece of wood 8mm (3/16”) from the cutting wire, to be used as a fence and connected the wires to my battery charger for power. Now I was able to cut three piece of foam 8mm (3/16”) thick for each wing.
I had to draw the wings freehand but luckily for you there is a template in my book. Once I had the measurements marked out for the overall length I drew it in one go. I drew this on a piece of 3mm (1/8”) mdf as I had heaps of off cuts from making the walls still in my garage.

It is best to be fluid with your strokes when drawing the wings, as it gives it a more realistic look, rather than going slowly over each feather a few times to try to get the shape. After I had drawn the first row of feathers, I staggered the next row and made the***ightly smaller, then staggered the last row of feathers and made them even smaller again.

When I was happy with the wing, I simply cut out the whole wing from the MDF with a jigsaw and used it in reverse as a template for the other wing. All that was left to do was to draw the inner rows of feathers freehand inside the other wing template.

Now that I had both wings, I held them close to the body to make sure I was happy with the wing span, and I was. Next I took my three pieces of foam that I had sliced down to 8 mm (3/16”), these were going to be the three rows of feathers.