萌女神吧 关注:19,838贴子:9,186



@暮北之南 @纸诺 @奈小洛゛ @凌儿酱 @VAN小翔

1楼2013-02-19 19:42回复
    Once I had the finished sketch and was happy with the proportions of everything, I measured everything to scale and began carving the head. Now for this I did have a thicker piece of foam, so I started shaping the head with a sharp blade and when I was happy with the overall shape I finished it off with some sandpaper.
    For the nose and eyes I just cut them out of a separate piece of foam, I then shaped them and glued them into place with 5min Araldite. I cut out some eyebrows and glued these into place as well, its amazing how these little things changed the look of the owls face and gave it some character.

    3楼2013-02-19 19:44
      The next step was to shape the body and add the small individual feathers to both the face and the chest area, this really started bringing him to life.
      I knew I wanted him (the owl) to lean forward so I had to shape his body forward a bit
      I also knew he was a boy because I checked :p.
      Hmmmm. I think I need to give him a name as I can’t keep on calling him, “him”.
      Ok from now on we shall call him Chester the owl.

      4楼2013-02-19 19:44
        I needed Chester to sit on a round object, I had to play around with the angles to get everything right before I cut the head and the body at the correct angle, once I had that right, I just glued them together with 5min Araldite and that was the end of stage one.
        The next step was to carve out the legs and get the correct angles before glueing them in place. This is where you need another pair of hands because you need to be able to stand back and see it from a distance. It’s not hard, it’s about how you want the owl to perch on the ball.

        5楼2013-02-19 19:45
          This next stage, the wings took a bit of thinking, I wanted the wings to be angled back and fully spread out as if he was landing on the ball. They also had to be strong because I wanted each feather to stand out and have detail. I wanted there to be three layers of feathers for each wing. However they needed to taper back on each other so they weren’t bulky.
          The foam lids that I had picked up from work were about 22mm (13/16”) thick, that was way to thick so I needed to be able to cut it down to about 8mm (3/16”) and this thickness had to be even. This really got me thinking, so I ended up making a hot wire jigsaw to slice the foam.
          I then clamped a piece of wood 8mm (3/16”) from the cutting wire, to be used as a fence and connected the wires to my battery charger for power. Now I was able to cut three piece of foam 8mm (3/16”) thick for each wing.
          I had to draw the wings freehand but luckily for you there is a template in my book. Once I had the measurements marked out for the overall length I drew it in one go. I drew this on a piece of 3mm (1/8”) mdf as I had heaps of off cuts from making the walls still in my garage.

          It is best to be fluid with your strokes when drawing the wings, as it gives it a more realistic look, rather than going slowly over each feather a few times to try to get the shape. After I had drawn the first row of feathers, I staggered the next row and made the***ightly smaller, then staggered the last row of feathers and made them even smaller again.

          When I was happy with the wing, I simply cut out the whole wing from the MDF with a jigsaw and used it in reverse as a template for the other wing. All that was left to do was to draw the inner rows of feathers freehand inside the other wing template.

          Now that I had both wings, I held them close to the body to make sure I was happy with the wing span, and I was. Next I took my three pieces of foam that I had sliced down to 8 mm (3/16”), these were going to be the three rows of feathers.

          6楼2013-02-19 19:45

            To transfer the pattern of the feathers to the foam I used some bake paper and traced the first row. I then simply placed it on the foam and traced over the pattern, this left a slight impression in the foam which I went over again with a pen to get a clear outline.

            Once I had the three rows off feathers cut out, I lay them on top of each other to see how they looked and if I was happy, they were really coming along nicely. I tapered the top edge of the bottom two rows of feathers so they lay nicely on top of each other.

            Then before I glued them in place, I shaped the end of each feather to give it a slimmer profile. Then glued them on top of each other. This has been by far the most challenging thing I had made and also the most rewarding.

            7楼2013-02-19 19:45

              8楼2013-02-19 19:45

                The next stage of production was the stand for the base of the owl lectern. I needed to make the owl and the stand in two pieces for ease of storage. I didn’t know how I was going to join them together yet, for now I will just concentrate on the stand and worry about how to attach it later.
                I had found a thick cardboard roll in the waste room at work and thought it would make a good upright piece for the stand.
                In my original drawing I had a flattened oval kind of thing for the base. Leon and I glued some foam together and when it was fully dried we started to shape it with a hand held hot foam cutter that we had to make for a few different jobs. When we had roughly the shape we wanted we finished it of with sandpaper.
                Next were the feet, as you might have guessed foam isn’t that strong so I needed to strengthen them some how. I cut a piece of 3mm (1/8”) mdf to the exact shape of the feet and glued foam to either side and shaped them as in my drawing.

                10楼2013-02-19 19:46

                  These had to fixed in place so they wouldn’t move under any circumstance . When cutting the feet out of the mdf, we allowed an extra 100mm (4”) so we could slide this part of the mdf into the foam base and glue in place.
                  We also needed to add some extra weight to the base to make it bottom heavy and stabilize it. As the last thing we wanted was for it to fall over and break. A friend of mine was cleaning out his garage and he gave me a heap of screws, pulleys, rope and other rubbish. He brought it over as a joke but to me nothing is rubbish, I will always find a use for it.
                  Anyway in all that rubbish were some small round weights, perfect for weighting the base of my project. I cut out two slots and wedged the weights in tight.

                  11楼2013-02-19 19:46

                    Tip: Before the glue had set on the feet, make sure that the cardboard roll is perfectly plumb, this is where a spirit level is invaluable.

                    I didn’t use Araldite to glue the feet as I wanted to be able to make any final adjustments necessary so I used normal PVA glue which works great and sets hard when allowed to fully dry.
                    Now comes the interesting part, connecting it all together. The small round foam ball needed to sit on top of the cardboard roll, Chester needed to sit on the ball and it all had to be perfectly balanced so as not to tip over.
                    I had a look around my garage to see what I had that would fit snuggly over the cardboard roll. What I found was the cap of a spray can and it did the job. All I needed to do was to wrap some duct tape around the cardboard roll a few times to get the snug fit I needed.

                    12楼2013-02-19 19:46

                      Now that part was sorted, I cut a hole in the bottom of the foam ball, wedged and glued the cap in place. For this I used Araldite. Now I could place the owl on the ball and get an overall view on how my proportions were looking compared to my drawings. I must say they were spot on and it was coming to life, so to speak.
                      Back to the base. The bottom of the base needed to look like there was something supporting the centre pole. I cut out some foam pieces into the shape I in my drawing. Bevelled the edges with a sharp blade and placed them around the entire base. When I was happy with the balance of it, I glued them in place with normal PVA glue and left them to dry.

                      I then had to do something similar at the top under the ball to balance it all out. I decided to make something that looked like it was cradling the foam ball. It also had to have some clearance around it to make it easy to remove the ball and owl for storage at a latter date.

                      In my detailed drawing I had a decorative element wrapping around the cardboard roll. As I began to think about making this part, it occurred to me that I could turn this into a snake .
                      Hmmm…. Interesting……

                      13楼2013-02-19 19:47
                        Now that the base and the owl was all done, I needed to seal them as I wanted to spray the lectern gold. As I have said before foam and the thinners in spray paint DO NOT LIKE EACH OTHER. Its like the Coyote and Roadrunner. The foam is happy to do its own thing and all that the thinners wants to do is ATTACK, do you get my point.
                        What I did to over come this feud was to seal the foam. I mixed pva glue with water (I used 1:4 glue to water) and put in some yellow food dye. That way I could see where I had already applied the sealer on to the foam, as foam is white and the sealer was yellow.

                        It made my job a lot easier, I might also add that as I was painting everything gold this helped with the coverage as well.
                        Before I attach the owl to the ball permanently, I wanted the ball to be a different color. I tried silver at first which I quite liked but it didn’t stand out enough. I had some left over gun metal grey in my paint drawer, so I decided to give that a go and it was exactly the look I was after. So after a few coats the ball was ready to attach the owl.

                        I gave the owl three coats of sealer and left that to dry for a week wile I went on with other props.
                        The owl still needed a tail. I drew this out freehand on a piece of cardboard to see if it was BALANCED, sorry couldn’t help myself.
                        Once I was happy with it, I cut down a piece of foam to 10mm (6/16”) thick using my hot wire jigsaw. I used the cardboard as a template and traced it onto a piece of foam. I also cut out another tail piece from 3mm (1/8”) mdf and glued the two together for strength.
                        Then I added the detail to the feathers and glued the tail onto the owl with Araldite.

                        16楼2013-02-19 19:48

                          Now the exciting part, I was going to spay it with gold paint. I gave both the stand and the owl three coats of paint. It looked good but it looked way too shiny and new. I had to age it some how and turn it from gold to a antique bronze look.
                          I watered down some black, water based paint and sprayed it with my air brush, it was amazing how the lectern was transformed, it gave me the exact look I was after

                          17楼2013-02-19 19:48

                            20楼2013-02-19 19:49

                              21楼2013-02-19 21:44