歇斯底里的本源吧 关注:8贴子:565

I am Shell,I'll write something


Nevermind I will find you.

来自Android客户端1楼2013-01-20 20:44回复
    After a love relationship,I found that I became negative about love.
    I have to admit that it was not a wonderful experience and it was not like what I expected.
    But I still want to say thx ,after all,I know guys who see***ike him are not what I want.

    来自Android客户端2楼2013-01-20 23:52
      We broke up after three months' relationship.

      来自Android客户端3楼2013-01-20 23:58
        Before we began,I did not fall in love with him.And he knew it,he said he could make me have feelings.
        He did something crazy such as expressing his love on a New Year Party.
        Many of my classmates and friends called me and told me about it.They said he was a good guy and hoped that I could give him a chance.
        Actually,it really made me feel embarassed.I did not know how to explain it to my classmates and when they smiled at me,I thought there were something else.

        来自Android客户端4楼2013-01-21 00:18
          With time going by,I was gradually used to him.So after a winter holiday,he became my first BF.
          We kissed at Hankou Train Station,it was my first kiss .I felt a little strange,when we kissed.it was not like what I have imaged .
          My heart speed did not get faster either.

          来自Android客户端5楼2013-01-21 00:32
            Compared with kiss, I preferred hug.Cause a hug can make me feel at ease and have a feeling of being protected.
            On the contrary,he preferred kiss.That might be the biggest difference between us.

            来自Android客户端6楼2013-01-21 00:48
              We got along well at start.We traveled,saw a film and spent most of our times to be with each other.
              But problems came out.He was a member of students union and also a moniter.He did not know how to balance his love ,study and work,as a result his life became totally a mess.He called me to pour out his grievances ,told me how sad he felt and asked me what he should do which made me got tired .
              I could not understand why he always made simple things become complex,why he always lacked of confidence.
              I could not bear it anymore,I felt he regareded me as more a older sister than a GF.

              来自Android客户端7楼2013-01-21 01:15
                But I still said nothing,cause I did not want to give up our love like that .The much he cared me,the more guilty I would feel.

                来自Android客户端8楼2013-01-21 01:26
                  One night,we went out to have a meal with some other friends.
                  They drunk bear.On the way to school,he told me he liked another girl for the time when he dated with me.
                  I knew that girl ,she is beautiful ,really beautiful and what is the important thing is they had many common topics to talk about.
                  After hearing that,I said I could understand him.After all ,she is so beautiful and attractive.At the same time, I realized that he was not that into me.

                  来自Android客户端9楼2013-01-21 01:46
                    Of course ,it is not the main reason why we broke up.We did not match .We had different opinions about the world,he was not intresred in what I said,neither was I.
                    I could not see the promising future about our love.I have no courage and reason to continue it .

                    来自Android客户端11楼2013-01-21 02:00
                      So in the end ,we broke up peacefully.
                      We are still friends, but never lover.

                      来自Android客户端12楼2013-01-21 02:03
                        That is my puppy love.
                        It taught me that feeling is not touched.
                        I told myself never make the same mistake.

                        来自Android客户端13楼2013-01-21 02:13
                          I believe that those guys we loved always left something.

                          来自Android客户端14楼2013-06-19 17:47
                            The wether is hot.I just woke up from a bad dream.I forget what the dream is about.

                            来自Android客户端16楼2013-06-19 17:50
                              Another relationship end again.He gave me a good lesson.Never believe the words of the man.He hurts me.I will never forgive him.

                              来自Android客户端17楼2014-02-24 10:18