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Maelstrom Rebellion MOD 经常无故跳出何解?



IP属地:湖南1楼2012-12-22 20:12回复

    IP属地:湖南2楼2012-12-22 23:12

      IP属地:北京3楼2012-12-23 10:50
        @ 冰雪之涯
        问题事件名称: APPCRASH
        应用程序名: Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion Dev.exe
        应用程序时间戳: 5037beb9
        故障模块名称: KERNELBASE.dll
        故障模块版本: 6.1.7601.17965
        故障模块时间戳: 506dbe50

        IP属地:湖南4楼2012-12-23 11:54

          5楼2012-12-24 14:28
            我还是坐享其成吧 等你们找到原因了

            IP属地:重庆6楼2012-12-24 19:31


              IP属地:湖南7楼2012-12-28 18:04
                Last updated 03/05/2012 (3rd May 2012)
                __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SoaSE Software Version Requirements for most upto date releases Original SoaSE : Sins of a Solar Empire v1.193
                Entrenchment : Entrenchment v1.053
                Diplomacy : Diplomacy v1.34 Required Game Setup: Effects Settings ('default' Sins settings) * Planet : Detail - Highest
                * Ship : Detail - Highest, Extras - Highest, Bump - High
                * Building : Detail - Highest, Extras - Highest, Bump - High
                Recommended Game Setup: Effects Settings * Show Mesh Team Colors - Off
                * Show Cargo Ship Icons - Off
                * Show Planet Elevators - Off
                * Use Colored Skyboxes - Off Recommended Hardware Requirements * Windows XP SP3 / Windows Vista / Windows 7
                * 2.2 GHz Dual- or Quad-Core Processor
                * 2 GB RAM (3 GB for Windows Vista)
                * 512 MB DirectX 9 3D Video Card
                * DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card
                * 4 GB Hard Drive Space
                * DirectX 9.0c
                __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Check out: http://soase.x90x.net/ or keep reading ... Installing the Maelstrom Mod is a simple two step process. Step 1: Extract the contents of the compressed file to your 'Sins Mod Directory' Question: Where is my 'Sins Mod Directory'?
                Answer: Depends on your Operating System
                Typically for XP
                C:\Documents and Settings\'AAA'\Local Settings\Application Data\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\'BBB' Typically for Vista
                C:\Users\'AAA'\AppData\Local\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\'BBB' Typically for Windows 7
                C:\Users\'AAA'\AppData\Local\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\'BBB' Note 1: 'AAA' is your user name, e.g john smith
                Note 2: 'BBB' your "mod type" + "mode version"
                "mod type" can be 'Mods-', 'Mods-Entrenchment', 'Mods-Diplomacy'
                "mode version" as of Febuary 2012 is
                "v1.193", Original Sins
                " v1.053", Entrenchment Sins
                " v1.34", Diplomacy Sins
                e.g. 'BBB' is 'Mods-Entrenchment v1.053' So as an example, for Maelstrom Entrenchment version 1.053, XP the 'Sins Mod Directory' would be
                C:\Documents and Settings\john smith\Local Settings\Application Data\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods-Entrenchment v1.053 Another example, for Maelstrom version 1.193, XP the 'Sins Mod Directory' would be
                C:\Documents and Settings\john smith\Local Settings\Application Data\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\mods v1.193 Question: I'm still having problems finding correct 'Sins Mod Directory'
                Amswer: Start SoaSE and in the options submenu select mod
                Now that you are in the mod submenu select 'Show Mod Path'
                Make a note of the location and copy your decompressed files there. Question: I'm still having problems finding the correct 'Sins Mod Directory'
                Answer: Make sure that your Windows Explorer browser is able to see hidden files & folders ...

                IP属地:湖南8楼2012-12-28 21:28
                  The option in XP can be found under the menu 'Tools" submenu "Folder Options" then in the tab "View", click on 'show hidden files & folders' then click ok.
                  Step 2: Start SoaSE
                  Select the version of SoaSE for the mod you want to play i.e Original, Entrenchment.
                  In the options submenu select the mod from the list of available mods and activate it.
                  If the Maelstrom Mod does not apear in the mods list then you have copied to the wrong directory. Please try again. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ New to installing Mods ... read on Anyone who wishes to install a mod should know: 1. Download the mod you want. 2. Use an archive program in order to extract the files of the mod, such as http://www.win-rar.com/download.html or http://www.7-zip.org/ 3. Extract the files in a temporary directory, which can be anywhere, but for ease and speed I suggest you extract the mod to your Desktop "My Documents" folder. 4. You can also extract the mod directly in you Sins mod directory.
                  However, care should be taken when extracting the mod directly to your mod folder ...
                  Some programs, including WinRar, create an additional folder in which they place the files. Example: when you tell the program "extract to xxxx path directory", it extracts, and places the files in an additional folder named after the compressed file,
                  i.e. if the zip file is named "soase_maelstrom_orginal_1.193_7" it will create a sub-folder with this name and place it inside. 5. When you have done all of the above, move the mod to the SoaSE mods folder.
                  As a example, in Windows Explore (XP) for the Maelstrom mod (v1.191) your directory structure should look something like this ... C:\Documents and Settings\john smith\Local Settings\Application Data\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods-v1.93\soase_maelstrom_orginal_1.193_7
                  Window see also ... Installation Notes for Maelstrom - Directory Structure Example.jpg 6. Note you can rename the directory "soase_maelstrom_orginal_1.193_7" to want ever you want, I rename it to "Maelstrom R7" 7. Go to the "Options" submenu on the title screen and click on the "Mods" tab. There should be a list of available Mods. Select the Mod you wish to play and then click on "Enable Mod" tab.

                  IP属地:湖南9楼2012-12-28 21:28
                    Highlights (Release 8) Balance
                    - changed logistics of TA and Norlamin frigates comparible to that of the original races
                    - ability 'illusion fighters' for TA Excelceor capitalship no longer requires research
                    - Reduced TA Colony Capitalship (Excalibur) shields and firepower (Balanced against TA Battle Capitalship) Graphics
                    - storm particle effects
                    - fractured planet debris particle effects
                    - updated skyboxes Models (updated)
                    - Norlamins Frigate: heavy;
                    - TA Starbase;
                    - TA Frigates: Carrier, Subversion ship, Colony;
                    - TA Capitals: Dread, Siege, Carrier, Support, Colony, Battle;
                    - TA Support: Fighter, Bomber; Sound
                    - updated original races Dreadnought and Titans voices
                    - added additional voices to dreads and Titans Maps & Manuals
                    - added 21 galaxy maps Other
                    - TA Capitalship Thunderbolt renamed Nemisis
                    - TA Capitalship Galactica renamed Invictus

                    IP属地:湖南10楼2012-12-28 21:29


                      IP属地:湖南11楼2012-12-29 12:42