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这个姑娘就是那次整理【Oct/Nov Larry Timeline&Masterpost】的那位~

1楼2012-12-05 15:01回复

    I think they might be taking steps to come out. It’s a process, and a lengthy one at that. They can’t just up and announce it out of the blue if they want to maintain their careers.
    Warning — There’s a bit of tinhatting in here.
    Lately, Harry’s been denouncing his womaniser image in interviews, and even going so far as to say that he’s looking to settle down. To someone who doesn’t think he and Louis are together, this might just look like him trying to put rumours to rest. But if you know or think they’re in a relationship, it could be something much bigger.
    I think they’re testing the waters. Why else would they suddenly start dismantling his carefully constructed image? For a long time, they kept Harry publicly single and gave him that image because it gave girls the idea that they’d have a chance of getting with him. But then roughly a month ago, he started completely denying all that, and the rumours about him with Taylor Swift started up.
    Taylor has been rumoured to be in bearding relationships more than once before. Jake Gylenhaal, Joe Jonas, Taylor Lautner and several others have dated her or been rumoured to be dating her around the time that there were some fairly serious gay rumours floating around about them. And those rumours were put to rest by her. My point here is that it’s well known that she’s up for her fair share of publicity dating.
    Despite her dating history (and I won’t make too many assumptions about it, because I know next to nothing about her), she’s still seen as the media darling. Her public image is one of a sweet, innocent girl who falls in love too easily and has her heart broken often.
    But what better way to put the rumours about Harry to rest? They set him up with a girl that seems to be nothing but sunshine and bubbles, take him off the market for a few months to see how the fans react, and get his reputation as a womaniser under control.
    Now, this is all speculation on my part, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we see Louis and Eleanor breaking up sometime in the near future. Even aside from Louis’ recent unhappiness, I think they’re taking steps to ending that relationship. There were several articles a while ago about Eleanor’s “wandering eyes” and the girlfriend hate seems to have been intentionally amped up on Twitter, with Stan and “Louis” literally egging fans on and getting them to fight back, and I think that may be an excuse for a break up in the making.
    And, again, this is all speculation, don’t be surprised if we see Nick Grimshaw making more public appearances in Harry’s life over the next month or so. I think this is a tactic they already tried several months ago when they had Harry and Grimmy seeming to spend all their time together. There were quite a few articles written questioning that relationship, and if you know anything about 1D’s PR team, you know how tightly they control anything printed about the boys. Basically, if it was printed, it was management approved.
    Once they get Harry’s reputation as a womaniser under control, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if those rumours about Grimmy started up again. They would again be testing the waters to see how fans react to one of the boys being in a gay relationship. I’m not saying they’d go so far as to have them publicly date, but there may be a few more articles suggesting they’re together.
    If you add all this to the fact that their second album was pushed out so quickly, on top of the tickets for their upcoming tour being sold so far in advance (and nonrefundable at that) it really does look like they may be planning something. Something they’re afraid might cause them to lose quite a bit of their audience and a large chunk of money. Now that the album and singles have proven successful though, coming out may be a realistic option.
    I don’t know any of this for a fact. It’s just my take on everything that’s happened over the past few months. But I do know quite a bit about how this business works, and if you put it all together like this, it sort of makes sense that it’s what they’re moving toward.
    Thanks for reading, and feel free to message me your opinions or questions. xx

    2楼2012-12-05 15:01

      3楼2012-12-05 15:13

        Taylor has been rumoured to be in bearding relationships more than once before. Jake Gylenhaaljoe Jonas, Taylor Lautner and several others have dated her or been rumoured to be dating her around the time that there were some fairly serious gay rumours floating around about them. And those rumours were put to rest by her. My point here is that it’s well known that she’s up for her fair share of publicity dating.
        我觉得 这段关于霉霉的有点扯

        5楼2012-12-05 18:25

          7楼2012-12-05 18:37

            IP属地:上海8楼2012-12-05 18:57

              来自Android客户端9楼2012-12-05 19:43
                我最近总觉得Louis,就是状态很糟糕,不管是不是因为Harry和Taylor还是什么和El我都觉得Louis在这段时间一定是有什么委屈的,脸色太不好了,我怪心疼的,虽然知道这个不能怨Harry但我不自觉的就怨上他了。。。真糟糕。。。so sorry。。

                10楼2012-12-06 00:26

                  来自iPhone客户端11楼2012-12-06 01:14
                    然后他们让Harry跟Tay这种在大家眼里很sunshine的女孩在一起一段时间,take him off the market(这个太形象了我不会翻。。让他下架一段时间),看看粉丝有什么反应。
                    @ cocokatylove @ 0Bourbon @ L呆VIN

                    12楼2012-12-06 11:04


                      13楼2012-12-06 11:21


                        14楼2012-12-06 11:43
                          The worst thing about the “Haylor Scandal”:
                          On Monday, after the MSG concert and the after-party, Harry left with Taylor to go back to her hotel and make it look like they were going to have sex.
                          And Louis and Eleanor went to a bar. Louis got absolutely pissed.
                          He looks a mess. Eleanor was more or less guiding him out. But, people who were there said he kept saying “Tomorrow is Christmas”.
                          If he thought that the next day was Christmas, then he thought it was December 24th.
                          His birthday.
                          我当时也反应过来Louis醉成以为是自己生日= =但没反应过来这么虐

                          15楼2012-12-07 21:56

                            16楼2012-12-16 11:43

                              17楼2013-01-15 11:45