他们发布的一些信息:Ok, its end of month and the game is not ready yet... :'( so whats
going on? I have to say that the team worked really hard the past
couple of weeks to try to get it done on time, but in the process we
found some things we really had to fix and granted... it is taking us
longer than expected. Long story short, we need more time to be able to
deliver a game we are comfortable with. In the end, the more time we can
spend fixing and polishing the game the better experience we will
deliver to you the players. I really don't expect for us to take months
to finish the game but we rather not set a release date until we are
150% sure of it. Sorry, and thanks for your patience! It will be worth
it! PS: here's a short teaser, this is our title screen I hope you like
it as much as I do! :)