umbrellacorporation吧 关注:50贴子:3,802

IP属地:中国香港通过百度相册上传1楼2012-11-27 09:13回复
    Today is 27/11/2012, it is the first day to work in UmbrellaCorporation, what an exciting moment. Hope that I could find interesting things here.

    IP属地:中国香港2楼2012-11-27 09:15
      Welcome,please read this first.
      Umbrella Corporation, one of the world's leading biotechnology conglomerates, has unleashed a globe-spanning recruiting tour to find the world's greatest minds to make advancements for the betterment of all mankind in the fields of biotechnology and genetic research. The tour kicks off in Cancun, Mexico in April 2012.
      Founded by Ozwell E. Spencer and Edward Ashford, Umbrella Corporation is best known for creating Aqua Cure®, an ointment that rapidly heals open wounds. Utilizing products that are home grown in Raccoon City, Umbrella Corporation has since opened operations around the world and created many life-altering pharmaceutical products including Adravil®, Regenerate® and Return®.
      "At Umbrella Corporation, we believe that nothing is impossible", said Christopher Chung, President of world-wide recruiting at Umbrella Corporation. "While we employ some of the world's best scientific minds, we are excited to hit the road and find talent that can help us shape the future of humanity."
      To accomplish this unprecedented recruiting tour, a state-of-the-art vehicle has been created that will makes its way from location to location by land and sea. The vehicle is equipped with a fully functional research laboratory that will be manned by famous Umbrella Corporation scientists Dr. Henrik Markarian, Dr. James Safechuck, and Dr. Joshua Golsen.
      "What will the world be like tomorrow?" Umbrella Corporation's Chief Operations Officer, Michelleanne Grepo, asks. "Thanks to Umbrella Corporation, 'tomorrow' is no longer a dream, but a reality today."
      About Umbrella Corporation
      Umbrella Corporation is one of the world's leading biotechnology conglomerates. With operations around the globe, Umbrella Corporation has created many life-altering pharmaceutical products including Aqua Cure®, Adravil®, Regenerate® and Return®.
      Thanks to Umbrella Corporation, "tomorrow"
      is no longer a dream, but a reality today.

      IP属地:上海3楼2012-11-27 11:30
        Today is 28/11/2012,I suddenly found that half of the members in here ae my friends. Is this a coincidence, or a deliberate......

        IP属地:中国香港4楼2012-11-28 09:57

          IP属地:湖北来自Android客户端5楼2012-11-29 00:16
            Today is 29/11/2012, I browse the website of the company and creat my own ID card. As Researcher No.22 said, it is a very important step. Without the ID card, I cannot access my rights. (But isn't it so late for telling me this...)

            IP属地:中国香港6楼2012-11-29 08:56
              Today is 30/11/2012, I am working in my first project, which is a research about T-virus. I wanna to find out the similarities between it and BlackLight. It seem that we have a good start......

              IP属地:中国香港7楼2012-11-30 12:26
                Well,Umbrella Corporation is not fairy-tale world.You need get ready for the routine...and then the more routin.You will soon feel bored.←(I hope it isn't ture,but it's some F.N.G.s'(F@cking New Guy) truth.)

                IP属地:上海8楼2012-11-30 17:29
                  Today is 1/12/2012, the first day of December. I am still working in my project. I find out that the purpose of two Virus has slightly different, but both of them caused serious influences to the world. There have lots of things to do......

                  IP属地:中国香港9楼2012-12-01 10:07
                    Today is 2/12/2012, there have lots of works waiting for me. I do not have much time yet. It is wonderful to analysis the prototype of T virus, how amazing it is!

                    IP属地:中国香港10楼2012-12-02 11:39
                      Today is 3/12/2012, I am waiting for the result, my computer is running like a horse now. All the pre-works have been finished………and I suddenly become very free.

                      IP属地:中国香港来自Android客户端11楼2012-12-03 13:41

                        IP属地:上海12楼2012-12-04 01:12
                          Today is 4/12/2012, I feel very happy and excited. After a few more hours, the analysis result will be completed. It is no longer a dream, I can find the sercet of T-vius in my own hand......

                          IP属地:中国香港13楼2012-12-04 10:11
                            Department Manager:"Researcher!Something wrong with the virus......Do you know how to deal?"

                            IP属地:上海14楼2012-12-04 21:44
                              Today is 5/12/2012, accident happened! The Manager said that the virus had out of control, it become a un-stopable. I have no time to waste now, I have to go……

                              IP属地:中国香港来自Android客户端15楼2012-12-05 15:12