Thomas Marine USA Military Harbor Patrol Boat. The cabin has a heater
system, speakers and west marine cd player. It has Quantity in Lot: 1 (View Details)
Auction Type: Internet Auction
Open Time: 11/16/2012 12:00AM Eastern Time
Close Time: 11/20/2012 05:00PM Eastern Time
Time Left: 13 Days, 9 Hours, 1 Minutes
Item Location: Bodega Bay, CA
Opening Bid: $150.00
Current Bid: 0
Thomas Marine USA Military Harbor Patrol Boat. The cabin has a heater
system, speakers and west marine cd player. It has Quantity in Lot: 1 (View Details)
Auction Type: Internet Auction
Open Time: 11/16/2012 12:00AM Eastern Time
Close Time: 11/20/2012 05:00PM Eastern Time
Time Left: 13 Days, 9 Hours, 1 Minutes
Item Location: Bodega Bay, CA
Opening Bid: $150.00
Current Bid: 0