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Manstein and Rommel had met the summer before under very unusual circumstances. Manstein had been called to Rastenburg, Hitler’s East Prussian headquarters, for a conference. For some reson the conference was delayed and — taking advantage of their isolated surroundings — Manstein and his aide, Captain Alexander Stahlberg, went swimming[“skinny dipping”] in a nearby lake. Rommel apparently saw the whole thing; in any case, he hid their uniform. Stahlberg, recalled a slight smile on Rommel’s face when Generalfeldmarschall Fritz Erich von Lewinski gennant von Manstein — nephew of Hindenbury, conqueror of Sevastopol, originator of the plan that conquered France, military genius of the first order and Commander-in-Chief of Army Group Don — was forced to present himself to Erwin Rommel , in the nude. Despite the practical joke, Manstein and Rommel soon became fast friend.

IP属地:北京1楼2012-05-15 21:49回复

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      6楼2012-05-16 12:56