function hash = im_hash_radon(imagefile)
% calculate the hash of the data using radon transform A=imread(imagefile);
J=imresize(A,128/size(A,1), 'nearest'); Rd = radon(J);
% resize and block the data, calculate the sum of each block
u1 = block(im_norm(Rd, 160, 180), 4, 9); %u1 = block(imresize(data1, [520, 180]), 9, 13); for j = 1:20
[t, l] = wavedec(u1(:,j),2,'haar');
t1 = real(fft(t(21:40)));
b1 = t1(11:20)-mean(t1(11:20));
end hash=uu(:)';
% calculate the hash of the data using radon transform A=imread(imagefile);
J=imresize(A,128/size(A,1), 'nearest'); Rd = radon(J);
% resize and block the data, calculate the sum of each block
u1 = block(im_norm(Rd, 160, 180), 4, 9); %u1 = block(imresize(data1, [520, 180]), 9, 13); for j = 1:20
[t, l] = wavedec(u1(:,j),2,'haar');
t1 = real(fft(t(21:40)));
b1 = t1(11:20)-mean(t1(11:20));
end hash=uu(:)';