在线折光仪吧 关注:44贴子:2,859



折射计早已被证明适用于黑液固体浓度的检测。MPR E-Scan在线折光仪在国内外的造纸行业已经有了广泛的应用。 折射计可以测量出真实的溶解固体浓度,而不受气泡、夹带的空气或悬浮物质的影响。



为了最大限度的提高效率并确保黑液浓度尽量稳定,进料浓度可以依赖于折光仪的监测进行有效控制。蒸发后浓度依赖于蒸发器通过蒸汽流进行调整控制,而这又必须以折光仪连续检测到的黑液浓度数据作为依据。在这个应用点比较典型的温度环境是120-130ºC (250-270ºF).一般在蒸发进料的黑液浓度在10-30%,蒸发后浓度在60-80%,自动蒸汽棱镜清洗系统能保障折光仪在蒸发系统浓度监测上的连续稳定运行。如果在这个工序中蒸汽成本过高,则对蒸发过程中黑液浓度的连续测量,并依据测量数据,可以合理的减少蒸汽消耗量,对降低成本是非常有帮助的。

IP属地:湖北1楼2012-02-14 20:43回复



    IP属地:湖北2楼2012-02-14 22:00


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          5楼2012-02-15 02:18

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              IP属地:湖北8楼2012-02-19 21:58

                IP属地:湖北10楼2012-02-29 19:05
                  美国EMC 公司在造纸行业使用折射计精确测量绿液密度已有超过30年的历史。EMC具有丰富的仪器自动清洗应用经验以解决绿液易结垢的问题。从传统的手工清洗,到盐酸清洗,所有的这些方法要么劳动强度大,要么只是在局部有效。
                  从碱炉绿液溶解槽将绿液输送到苛化工段澄清器的输送管道很容易结垢,其结垢速度和绿液密度相关。因此,此工段一个共同配置是设置二路绿液输送管道,一路用于绿液输送时,另一路用稀液反清洗。此二路管道一定时间后相互切换,以延缓管道结垢。此二管路配置对于MPR 双E-Scan折射计配备HPC-2高压清洗系统来说是最理想的。根据哪个管道现在正在用于控制,相应的传感器的输出信号则被用于控制。由于两个传感头均由一个高压泵清洗,并且这个完整的系统由一个电子控制器来控制,因此,实践也证明,这套系统对于控制绿液密度来说才是最有效的方法。


                  IP属地:湖北11楼2012-03-03 10:36


                    IP属地:湖北12楼2012-03-03 10:41

                      IP属地:湖北13楼2012-03-03 10:42
                        The current black liquor off-line test method has the following shortcomings:
                        labor-intensive, and the test results vary from person to person can not be repeated.
                        Black liquor off-line test method, the hand-held refractometer is the most inaccurate and not recommended.
                        The handheld refractometer critical angle refractive technology to measure the refraction of light to measure the concentration, can only be tested dissolved in black liquor solids.
                        The DSA concentration of the E-Scan instrument calibration for black liquor, the simultaneous measurement of a sample of the refracted light and reflected light, and thus accurate measurement of the concentration of black liquor.
                        The DSA E-Scan is a guarantee of safety of black liquid caustic soda furnace combustion, can greatly reduce the amount of labor accurate measurement of black liquor.
                        Moisture meter defects:
                        A lot of pulp mill black liquor concentration of moisture meter off-line test.
                        The resulting data of this test method is very dependent on the operating process.
                        Only 1% of the highest accuracy of such measurement methods.
                        Average need to test a few samples.
                        Test value fluctuation causes: aging and wavelength of infrared light bulb change, the heating unit is higher than sample samples sampling of the different distribution of samples in the test plate.
                        The test results will be frequent changes. A lot of pulp mill black liquor concentration of moisture meter off-line test.
                        The resulting data of this test method is very dependent on the operating process.
                        Only 1% of the highest accuracy of such measurement methods.
                        Average need to test a few samples.
                        Test value fluctuation causes: aging and wavelength of infrared light bulb change, the heating unit is higher than sample samples sampling of the different distribution of samples in the test plate.
                        The test results will be frequent changes.
                        Oven drying method defects:
                        Customers also commonly used oven drying method to test black liquor.
                        This method measured the black liquor is also very unreliable.
                        The test results will usually produce large fluctuations.
                        Accuracy of less than 1%.
                        Usually requires multiple sampling test average.
                        Fluctuations reasons: overheating caused by the decomposition of organic matter in the black liquor samples, there is no consistent, steady heating means, the different position and orientation of the sample in the oven will change the test results.
                        Test results with testing and frequent fluctuations.
                        Hand-held refractometer defects:
                        Handheld refraction meter test black liquor is the most unreliable.
                        Hand-held refractometer is only the judgment of the refraction of light opaque liquid refraction critical angle in order to determine the black liquor is inaccurate, low reproducibility.
                        Only in specific temperature testing.
                        The range is small.
                        Low accuracy.
                        Different operators would arrive at different results.
                        The only measure of dissolved solids.

                        IP属地:湖北16楼2012-03-17 15:16

                          More attention to
                          The the From BLRBAC "security in the recovery boiler combustion of black liquor the best recommended method" 4.1 part:
                          The first condition for safe combustion of black liquor is correct, accurate and reliable test of the black liquor solids content of black liquor into the nozzle.
                          (1) When any refractometer measured solids content of less than 58% must occur automatically black liquor steering.
                          When two refractometer readings are less than 58% must automatically black liquor steering.
                          EMC concentration of black liquor refractive index instrument in line with the U.S. BLRBAC requirements, testing black liquor an accuracy of 0.3%, and repeatability of 0.15%.
                          Test concentration of black liquor off the nominal accuracy of1% is unacceptable.
                          The black liquor automatic steering system for the safe design - to ensure that water does not come into contact with alkali furnace carbon bed is not specific for the analysis of liquid components.
                          Accuracy - Security - depends on the reproducibility of the system itself.
                          Automatic refractometer to measure the reflected light diagram
                          Reflected light - not the refraction of light - to be measured.
                          From the measured liquid color and transparency effects.
                          Wide temperature range, automatic temperature compensation.
                          For black liquor, in particular calibration.
                          The test results are not due to the operating personnel and process changes and fluctuations.
                          The DSA E,-Scan
                          Precision: the black liquor test within two minutes, up to + / - 0.1% accuracy.
                          Black liquor solids content range: 0 - 85%.
                          Desktop, digital display, automatic reflected light test.
                          Sample slots can be auto-heating.
                          For black liquor from the calibration and automatic temperature compensation.
                          What is the best technology for offline testing of black liquor?
                          Resolution of the instrument does not mean that the test accuracy.
                          More important are:
                          DSAE-Scan 0.1% of the high precision and high reproducibility.
                          Low precision and instability of alternative testing methods.
                          8 hours / test intervals, need high-precision test as a guarantee.
                          The DSA E-Scan fast to accurately predict the test results can help customers improve production efficiency.
                          Reference: TN Adams, WJ of Frederick, TM Grace, M. Hupa, K. The by Lisa, AK Jones, H. Tran (1997). Kraft recovery boiler - U.S. Pulp and Paper and Paper Industry Technology Association published
                          JP Holman (2001). Experimental Methods for Engineers - 7th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
                          JR Lavigne, (1972) paper industry Instrument, San Francisco, CA: Miller Freeman Publications,
                          Recovery boiler safe combustion of black liquor the best recommended method (October 2002/March 2003). Black liquid caustic soda furnace Advisory Committee BLRBAC
                          Please update the concept: only calibrated for black liquor DSA E-Scan technology, measuring the reflected light to test the black liquor is the most accurate, stable, fast black liquor off-line test.

                          IP属地:湖北17楼2012-03-17 15:16

                            1、 出厂校准和自动温度补偿,直接投入使用,无需现场校准;
                            2、 分体式设计,产品更耐震动和高温、测试更稳定、使用寿命更长;
                            3、 光学系统完全密闭,杜绝外界光线干扰;
                            4、 内置温度传感器,杜绝温度传感器意外损坏;
                            5、 标配温度信号模拟输出,便于客户集成控制;
                            6、 测量值历史曲线记录,测试稳定性一目了然;
                            7、 大尺寸高清晰度背光彩色LCD显示;
                            8、 本安型探头传感器;
                            9、 标配带清洗外接接口安装底座,可能的清洗方便直接;

                            IP属地:湖北19楼2012-03-23 17:55

                              IP属地:湖北20楼2012-04-27 17:48