组队被嫌弃吧 关注:6贴子:150
  • 2回复贴,共1

哎哟- -


When G O D I K L B F A N
While F M K D C G L O I B
For C E F N O K A H L I
Do E J K O B L C H G N
Bill D G N B I M E J L A
My N G I J E M D K C B
You L J O C H M A G F D
When rescued restrain resources app utter scat undertook gli underneath presented
While aca pena concent compre cult bene equi obs alike improve
For consi fashion trend represent dimen intend exag regard nega seldom
Do shadow arbi sign depen pred sensi strok preca detect worth
Bill evo mush ignorant impact retains comer char employ moder empire
My app cited dism just docu desi dispose hand dism ignore
You acc over hand tens widen guilty chall ruin survive maintain

IP属地:上海1楼2011-12-31 00:05回复

    When G O D I K L B F A N
    While F M K D C G L O I B
    For C E F N O K A H L I
    Do E J K O B L C H G N
    Bill D G N B I M E J L A
    My N G I J E M D K C B
    You L J O C H M A G F D
    When rescued restrain resources app utter scat undertook gli underneath presented
    While aca pena concent compre cult bene equi obs alike improve
    For consi fashion trend represent dimen intend exag regard nega seldom
    Do shadow arbi sign depen pred sensi strok preca detect worth
    Bill evo mush ignorant impact retains comer char employ moder empire
    My app cited dism just docu desi dispose hand dism ignore
    You acc over hand tens widen guilty chall ruin survive maintain
    There BCDCD
    Creation DDBAC
    We DDBCA
    When CCDAD
    Annual CCBDD
    There divert taking dehydration critical it
    Creation shared all differs changing an
    We first compare care 50000 brings
    When looking traveling reflect is do
    Annual are poor not promise of

    IP属地:上海3楼2011-12-31 00:14

      When G O D I K L B F A N
      While F M K D C G L O I B
      For C E F N O K A H L I
      Do E J K O B L C H G N
      Bill D G N B I M E J L A
      My N G I J E M D K C B
      You L J O C H M A G F D
      When rescued restrain resources app utter scat undertook gli underneath presented
      While aca pena concent compre cult bene equi obs alike improve
      For consi fashion trend represent dimen intend exag regard nega seldom
      Do shadow arbi sign depen pred sensi strok preca detect worth
      Bill evo mush ignorant impact retains comer char employ moder empire
      My app cited dism just docu desi dispose hand dism ignore
      You acc over hand tens widen guilty chall ruin survive maintain
      There BCDCD
      Creation DDBAC
      We DDBCA
      When CCDAD
      Annual CCBDD
      There divert taking dehydration critical it
      Creation shared all differs changing an
      We first compare care 50000 brings
      When looking traveling reflect is do
      Annual are poor not promise of

      IP属地:上海4楼2011-12-31 00:16