王韶老师吧 关注:566贴子:24,950
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1楼2011-12-06 22:43回复

    课本剧about Gork
    Narrator: Gork pressed a button on the wall beside him . Steel bars sprang from the ground around them and closed over their heads.
    Peters: Oh , my god!(面如死灰状)
    Narrator: Gork pressed another button,and all guns were gone.
    Lam:Well, Captain .You were wrong about the monster being friendly , weren't you?(略带嘲讽以及绝望)
    Peters:You don't listen to us just, and come into the cave, now good!!!!(愤怒却又无可奈何)
    Captain King:We'll find a way to live. Now one of the most important things is to think about how to escape ! What do you think about?(较为平静)
    Peters:Can have way? We are finished. (绝望)
    Captain King: Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it. Don't give up!
    Lam: It is right. I think we can dig tunnels under the cage.(好像看到了希望)
    Captain King :Sounds a bit lighter!(着急)
    Narrator: But it's too late, Gork heard the sound of their voices.
    Gork: Nobody, you can't escape here, just think about the last words!(得意洋洋)
    Narrator: Captain King turned to Gork.
    Captain King : Gork, it is true that we are aliens, but why can’t we be friends? Believe me, sir,
    We come in peace.(真挚)
    Gork: You come in peace, but tomorrow you’ ll be in pieces. But listen, Nobody. I’ll do you a
    ‘favour’. Tomorrow, you will be the last one to die. (嘲讽)go beyond them depth!(小声嘟囔)
    Peters: Sir!
    Captain King: Cheer up!(坚定)We can't dig tunnel. We don't have enough water and food.
    Lam: so?And why did you say your name was Nobody? (疑惑)
    Captain King: I have another plan and “Nobody” is part of it. You’ll see.(语气坚决)
    Peters:I hope you plan’s a good one, sir. (燃起一点希望)
    King: Trust me. We are all going to live!
    Part 3
    Narrator: After supper, Gork lay down on his bed and fell asleep almost immediately. He started
    to snore. The noise shook the cave.
    Gork: (做睡梦中打呼状)
    Captain King: Listen, everyone. Here’s my plan.
    Narrator: Captain King took his small, powerful laser torch from his pocket.
    Lam : Why did the magnet could not attract it?
    Captain King: Because it was in a plastic case.
    Lam : We’ll use this to escape from the cage.
    Captain King: Yes. First, I’ll melt the bars and then…
    Peters: I know, Captain. Then you’ll use the torch to kill Gork.
    Captain King: Oh no, please use your brain. If we kill Gork, how will we escape? We’re too
    weak to open the door. Here’s what we’ll do! We will…
    Narrator: Moments later, they were all out of the cage. Captain went over to the bed, and stood beside Gork’s head.
    Captain King: Gork, this is Nobody.
    Narrator: Gork woke up. Captain King aimed the torch at Gork’s eye and pressed the button.
    The laser beam hit Gork in the eye.(同时Captain King做相应动作)
    Gork: Shit. I can’t see anything! My eye! What did you do
    Narrator: The noise brought the kangaroos running into the room.
    Kangaroos: What’s wrong, Gork?
    Gork: It’s Nobody. Nobody attacked me. Nobody damaged my eye.
    Kangaroos: Nobody attacked him. Gork’s having a bad dream. (大笑)
    Gork: No, it is Nobody, he attacked me!(反复强调)
    Kangaroos: Let’s go back to bed. Good night, Gork.
    Part 4
    Narrator: Captain King and his crew quickly ran among the kangaroos.
    Gork: Nobody, I know you’re hiding among my kangaroos. I’ll get you. You are finished, all of you.
    Narrator: Gork opened the cave door a little and told his kangaroos to go out one by one.
    Gork: You are one by one!
    Narrator: As they hopped through the door, he felt their backs with his hand to make sure Nobady was not riding on them.
    Peters: What do we do now? We can’t get out on the kangaroos. We are done for.
    Captain King: Don’t panic, peters. We can’t get out on the kangaroos but we can get out in them.
    Here, you can see a pocket. Get inside! Quickly!
    Narrator: Peters climbed into the giant kangaroo’s pocket. A few moments later, he escaped
    through the door to freedom.
    Peters: Oh, I’m free! Good!
    Captain King: That’s how we all got free, and back to our spaceship. Finally, back to the safety of the Earth.
    Someone: What happened to Gork ?
    Captain King: Gork? I don’t know. Maybe he’s still in his cave——looking for Nobody.
    Narrator: Just then, a huge figure was moving silently towards the Captain’s house…

    2楼2011-12-06 23:00

      Nobody Win
      旁:Today we will tell you an adventure about Gork,
      Captain King and his crew!
      Peters(make a phone call)(抱怨,急切) : What a bad day ! Oh, yes! It’s Peters.
      May l speak to Captain King? I want to report something to him!
      Captain King : Hi Peters! This is King! What’s happening?
      Peters(支支吾吾,担忧,害怕.): en……Sir…..l think…..en……maybe……. maybe l
      am lost…yes….l am lost again!
      Captain King (惊讶,愤怒) :Are you kidding? Oh ,Why are you always so careless!
      Luckily, we have enough food and energy!
      Crew A (慌张,不知所措): Sir! We are running out of food!What should we do?
      Captain King (淡定下来,冷静指挥): What? OK, let’s land on that planet, it’s
      not very far!
      旁:A few minutes later,Lam our pilot, brought us down gently in a vally .
      Crew B (惊奇,四处观望): Look! There is a great cliff close to the vally.
      Crew A (观望,附和): And can you see that smooth, black rook ?
      Crew B : Yes, there are doors –each two storeys high !
      Captain King(嘘声): Keep quiet ! We are approach the doors! Be careful!
      One of the door is open a little! Let’s go through the door!
      Peters : Oh,no,Sir! We can’t through the door! Maybe there
      will be many dangers in it.
      Captain King : Oh! Don’t be sily my friend! That ’s impossible!
      旁:They went through the door and enter a huge cave.
      Peters(想逃走,强忍恐惧) : Look! Look! Can you see these furniture! It is huge!
      It must be the home of a huge monster! I just say don’t come in the door ,
      but you don’t believe me !
      Captain King (镇定,乐观):Hey! Don't be so timid ,my friend! It’s ture that the
      furniture is huge, but it is similar to the type on the Earth! So it may be a
      friendly monster! We ’ll wait !
      旁:The ground begin to shake. The door open and some animals hopped in !
      Crew B(惊讶,猜测,小声说): Can you see those animals? They look like
      kangaroos ,giant kangaroos!
      Crew A (附和,转而害怕): Yes, and look! The big monster is following them.
      lt look almost human!
      Crew B (反驳,肯定) :No! lt had a single, huge, red eye!
      It’s clearly partly human! Oh, it is very ugly!
      旁:The kangaroos shout, ‘Good night , Gork ! ’ and they hop away.
      Then Gork see us! He give a roar! And turn our blood to ice.
      Gork (震惊,气愤) : Aliens ! You are aliens ! How did you get in my cave?!

      3楼2011-12-07 09:25
        Just then, a huge figure was moving silently towards the captain’s house.
        Suddenly, the door opened, a huge figure moved into captain’s house.
        “Who are you? How are you come into my house?”king asked
        “Ha-ha, king, you forget me! L am Gork, Gork! ”Gork, shouted. “kangaroos,”some giant kangaroos hopped in “You kill then, l do not want to see they are alive.”
        “No, Gork. We will not kill them, we will kill you. You are bad boss. You often ferocious us. We hate you.”
        “You, you……”
        I interrupted Gork“Gork, you will done for.”
        I took the laser touch, aimed Gork. l pressed the button, and with the help of the kangaroos, we killed Gork.
        So, kangaroos and we are be friend, we help each other, we are happy.

        4楼2011-12-07 21:37

          Captain King: That’s how we all got free, and back to our spaceship. Finally, back to the safety of the Earth.
          Someone: What happened to Gork ?
          Captain King: Gork? I don’t know. Maybe he’s still in his cave——looking for Nobody.
          Narrator: Just then, a huge figure was moving silently towards the Captain’s house…
          Suddenly someone noticed figure: "look!" Figure became clear. Captain shouted: "Oh, this is Gork!" The monster was very strange, "I am Allen, I am Gork’s younger brother. Do you know my brother? Because I want to visit the earth, today I come to the earth." But someone was still afraid. Captain King thought he may be a friendly monster, so they invited him came into the room.
          After dinner, they thought Allen was really friendly. He knew the story about Captain and his brother, then he apologized to the Captain King. Everyone was happy.

          5楼2011-12-07 22:09
            Nobody Win
            旁:Today we will tell you an adventure about Gork,
            Captain King and his crew!
            Peters(make a phone call)(抱怨,急切) : What a bad day ! Oh, yes! It’s Peters.
            May l speak to Captain King? I want to report something to him!
            Captain King : Hi Peters! This is King! What’s happening?
            Peters(支支吾吾,担忧,害怕.): en……Sir…..l think…..en……maybe……. maybe l
            am lost…yes….l am lost again!
            Captain King (惊讶,愤怒) :Are you kidding? Oh ,Why are you always so careless!
            Luckily, we have enough food and energy!
            Crew A (慌张,不知所措): Sir! We are running out of food!What should we do?
            Captain King (淡定下来,冷静指挥): What? OK, let’s land on that planet, it’s
            not very far!
            旁:A few minutes later,Lam our pilot, brought us down gently in a vally .
            Crew B (惊奇,四处观望): Look! There is a great cliff close to the vally.
            Crew A (观望,附和): And can you see that smooth, black rook ?
            Crew B : Yes, there are doors –each two storeys high !
            Captain King(嘘声): Keep quiet ! We are approach the doors! Be careful!
            One of the door is open a little! Let’s go through the door!
            Peters : Oh,no,Sir! We can’t through the door! Maybe there
            will be many dangers in it.
            Captain King : Oh! Don’t be sily my friend! That ’s impossible!
            旁:They went through the door and enter a huge cave.
            Peters(想逃走,强忍恐惧) : Look! Look! Can you see these furniture! It is huge!
            It must be the home of a huge monster! I just say don’t come in the door ,
            but you don’t believe me !
            Captain King (镇定,乐观):Hey! Don't be so timid ,my friend! It’s ture that the
            furniture is huge, but it is similar to the type on the Earth! So it may be a
            friendly monster! We ’ll wait !
            旁:The ground begin to shake. The door open and some animals hopped in !
            Crew B(惊讶,猜测,小声说): Can you see those animals? They look like
            kangaroos ,giant kangaroos!
            Crew A (附和,转而害怕): Yes, and look! The big monster is following them.
            lt look almost human!
            Crew B (反驳,肯定) :No! lt had a single, huge, red eye!
            It’s clearly partly human! Oh, it is very ugly!
            旁:The kangaroos shout, ‘Good night , Gork ! ’ and they hop away.
            Then Gork see us! He give a roar! And turn our blood to ice.
            Gork (震惊,气愤) : Aliens ! You are aliens ! How did you get in my cave?!
            Narrator: Gork pressed a button on the wall beside him . Steel bars sprang from the ground around them and closed over their heads.
            Peters: Oh , my god!(面如死灰状)
            Narrator: Gork pressed another button,and all guns were gone.
            Lam:Well, Captain .You were wrong about the monster being friendly , weren't you?(略带嘲讽以及绝望)
            peters:You don't listen to us just, and come into the cave, now good!!!!(愤怒却又无可奈何)
            Captain King:We'll find a way to live. Now one of the most important things is to think about how to escape ! What do you think about?(较为平静)
            Peters:Can have way? We are finished. (绝望)
            Captain King: Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it. Don't give up!

            6楼2011-12-11 15:49
              Lam: It is right. I think we can dig tunnels under the cage.(好像看到了希望)
              Captain King :Sounds a bit lighter!(着急)
              Narrator: But it's too late, Gork heard the sound of their voices.
              Gork: Nobody, you can't escape here, just think about the last words!(得意洋洋)
              Narrator: Captain King turned to Gork.
              Captain King : Gork, it is true that we are aliens, but why can’t we be friends? Believe me, sir,
              We come in peace.(真挚)
              Gork: You come in peace, but tomorrow you’ ll be in pieces. But listen, Nobody. I’ll do you a‘favour’. Tomorrow, you will be the last one to die. (嘲讽)go beyond them depth!(小声嘟囔)
              Peters: Sir!
              Captain King: Cheer up!(坚定)We can't dig tunnel. We don't have enough water and food.
              Lam: so?And why did you say your name was Nobody? (疑惑)
              Captain King: I have another plan and “Nobody” is part of it. You’ll see.(语气坚决)
              Peters:I hope you plan’s a good one, sir. (燃起一点希望)
              King: Trust me. We are all going to live!
              Narrator: After supper, Gork lay down on his bed and fell asleep almost immediately. He started
              to snore. The noise shook the cave.
              Gork: (做睡梦中打呼状)
              Captain King: Listen, everyone. Here’s my plan.
              Narrator: Captain King took his small, powerful laser torch from his pocket.
              Lam : Why did the magnet could not attract it?
              Captain King: Because it was in a plastic case.
              Lam : We’ll use this to escape from the cage.
              Captain King: Yes. First, I’ll melt the bars and then…
              Peters: I know, Captain. Then you’ll use the torch to kill Gork.
              Captain King: Oh no, please use your brain. If we kill Gork, how will we escape? We’re too
              weak to open the door. Here’s what we’ll do! We will…
              Narrator: Moments later, they were all out of the cage. Captain went over to the bed, and stood beside Gork’s head.
              Captain King: Gork, this is Nobody.
              Narrator: Gork woke up. Captain King aimed the torch at Gork’s eye and pressed the button.
              The laser beam hit Gork in the eye.(同时Captain King做相应动作)
              Gork: Shit. I can’t see anything! My eye! What did you do
              Narrator: The noise brought the kangaroos running into the room.
              Kangaroos: What’s wrong, Gork?
              Gork: It’s Nobody. Nobody attacked me. Nobody damaged my eye.
              Kangaroos: Nobody attacked him. Gork’s having a bad dream. (大笑)
              Gork: No, it is Nobody, he attacked me!(反复强调)
              Kangaroos: Let’s go back to bed. Good night, Gork.
              Narrator: Captain King and his crew quickly ran among the kangaroos.
              Gork: Nobody, I know you’re hiding among my kangaroos. I’ll get you. You are finished, all of you.
              Narrator: Gork opened the cave door a little and told his kangaroos to go out one by one.
              Gork: You are one by one!
              Narrator: As they hopped through the door, he felt their backs with his hand to make sure Nobady was not riding on them.
              Peters: What do we do now? We can’t get out on the kangaroos. We are done for.
              Captain King: Don’t panic, peters. We can’t get out on the kangaroos but we can get out in them.
              Here, you can see a pocket. Get inside! Quickly!
              Narrator: Peters climbed into the giant kangaroo’s pocket. A few moments later, he escaped
              through the door to freedom.
              Peters: Oh, I’m free! Good!
              Captain King: That’s how we all got free, and back to our spaceship. Finally,
              back to the safety of the Earth.
              Someone: What happened to Gork ?
              Captain King: Gork? I don’t know. Maybe he’s still in his cave——looking for Nobody.
              Narrator: Just then, a huge figure was moving silently towards the Captain’s
              Suddenly someone noticed figure: "look!" Figure became clear. Captain shouted: "Oh, this is Gork!" The monster was very strange, "I am Allen, I am Gork’s younger brother. Do you know my brother? Because I want to visit the earth, today I come to the earth." But someone was still afraid. Captain King thought he may be a friendly monster, so they invited him came into the room.
              After dinner, they thought Allen was really friendly. He knew the story about Captain and his brother, then he apologized to the Captain King. Everyone was happy.
              ------------------------------------The end---------------------------------

              7楼2011-12-11 15:49

                Peters: listen! There is someone outside of door!
                Gork: Ha! Ha! Nobody, I said I will get you, now I am coming, you are finished!
                Gork broke the door; everyone saw he had a steel eye.
                Peters: Oh my god! Gork must kill us, we are done for!
                Captain King: Don’t worry, peters, Gork is in my home, I will not let this happen.
                Hello, Gork. Nice to see you again. It is true that you have a steel eye, but do you forget something?
                Captain King pressed a button like lightening, suddenly the roof opened and a spaceship above them, there was a big magnet under the spaceship, the magnet attracted Gork’s eye and Gork was attracted in the spaceship.
                Gork: What is happened?
                Captain King: Goodbye, Gork, have a nice time!
                Then the spaceship flew away.
                Peters: Captain, where does you let Gork go?
                Captain: I think Gork will have a nice time on mars.

                8楼2011-12-11 15:49