课本剧about Gork
Narrator: Gork pressed a button on the wall beside him . Steel bars sprang from the ground around them and closed over their heads.
Peters: Oh , my god!(面如死灰状)
Narrator: Gork pressed another button,and all guns were gone.
Lam:Well, Captain .You were wrong about the monster being friendly , weren't you?(略带嘲讽以及绝望)
Peters:You don't listen to us just, and come into the cave, now good!!!!(愤怒却又无可奈何)
Captain King:We'll find a way to live. Now one of the most important things is to think about how to escape ! What do you think about?(较为平静)
Peters:Can have way? We are finished. (绝望)
Captain King: Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it. Don't give up!
Lam: It is right. I think we can dig tunnels under the cage.(好像看到了希望)
Captain King :Sounds a bit lighter!(着急)
Narrator: But it's too late, Gork heard the sound of their voices.
Gork: Nobody, you can't escape here, just think about the last words!(得意洋洋)
Narrator: Captain King turned to Gork.
Captain King : Gork, it is true that we are aliens, but why can’t we be friends? Believe me, sir,
We come in peace.(真挚)
Gork: You come in peace, but tomorrow you’ ll be in pieces. But listen, Nobody. I’ll do you a
‘favour’. Tomorrow, you will be the last one to die. (嘲讽)go beyond them depth!(小声嘟囔)
Peters: Sir!
Captain King: Cheer up!(坚定)We can't dig tunnel. We don't have enough water and food.
Lam: so?And why did you say your name was Nobody? (疑惑)
Captain King: I have another plan and “Nobody” is part of it. You’ll see.(语气坚决)
Peters:I hope you plan’s a good one, sir. (燃起一点希望)
King: Trust me. We are all going to live!
Part 3
Narrator: After supper, Gork lay down on his bed and fell asleep almost immediately. He started
to snore. The noise shook the cave.
Gork: (做睡梦中打呼状)
Captain King: Listen, everyone. Here’s my plan.
Narrator: Captain King took his small, powerful laser torch from his pocket.
Lam : Why did the magnet could not attract it?
Captain King: Because it was in a plastic case.
Lam : We’ll use this to escape from the cage.
Captain King: Yes. First, I’ll melt the bars and then…
Peters: I know, Captain. Then you’ll use the torch to kill Gork.
Captain King: Oh no, please use your brain. If we kill Gork, how will we escape? We’re too
weak to open the door. Here’s what we’ll do! We will…
Narrator: Moments later, they were all out of the cage. Captain went over to the bed, and stood beside Gork’s head.
Captain King: Gork, this is Nobody.
Narrator: Gork woke up. Captain King aimed the torch at Gork’s eye and pressed the button.
The laser beam hit Gork in the eye.(同时Captain King做相应动作)
Gork: Shit. I can’t see anything! My eye! What did you do
Narrator: The noise brought the kangaroos running into the room.
Kangaroos: What’s wrong, Gork?
Gork: It’s Nobody. Nobody attacked me. Nobody damaged my eye.
Kangaroos: Nobody attacked him. Gork’s having a bad dream. (大笑)
Gork: No, it is Nobody, he attacked me!(反复强调)
Kangaroos: Let’s go back to bed. Good night, Gork.
Part 4
Narrator: Captain King and his crew quickly ran among the kangaroos.
Gork: Nobody, I know you’re hiding among my kangaroos. I’ll get you. You are finished, all of you.
Narrator: Gork opened the cave door a little and told his kangaroos to go out one by one.
Gork: You are one by one!
Narrator: As they hopped through the door, he felt their backs with his hand to make sure Nobady was not riding on them.
Peters: What do we do now? We can’t get out on the kangaroos. We are done for.
Captain King: Don’t panic, peters. We can’t get out on the kangaroos but we can get out in them.
Here, you can see a pocket. Get inside! Quickly!
Narrator: Peters climbed into the giant kangaroo’s pocket. A few moments later, he escaped
through the door to freedom.
Peters: Oh, I’m free! Good!
Captain King: That’s how we all got free, and back to our spaceship. Finally, back to the safety of the Earth.
Someone: What happened to Gork ?
Captain King: Gork? I don’t know. Maybe he’s still in his cave——looking for Nobody.
Narrator: Just then, a huge figure was moving silently towards the Captain’s house…