抱歉 太激动打错标题了 是故事的版权
原文:A sequel is currently being developed by Level-5, which has bought the rights of the Kyle Hyde saga but not much is known about it yet
大意:Level-5正在开发最后之窗的续作 并已收购该系列故事的版权 但官方未发出公告 故没有更多的消息
来源: t 点儿 cn 斜线 S2pVWj (短网址大概能上吧...

原文:A sequel is currently being developed by Level-5, which has bought the rights of the Kyle Hyde saga but not much is known about it yet
大意:Level-5正在开发最后之窗的续作 并已收购该系列故事的版权 但官方未发出公告 故没有更多的消息
来源: t 点儿 cn 斜线 S2pVWj (短网址大概能上吧...