樱落的精神病院吧 关注:4贴子:125
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today i talked with mum,
i knew sth happened on this earth.
well, thats too terrified.
the earth quake almost distroyed whole japan
i was so angry with portion of stupid idiol chinese!
why some people can laught at the refugees?
dont say sth that happened in history;
dont say its time that japanese have to pay for it!
in front of disaser,we are human but nothing!
i can't understand!
when i saw those photopictures which really shocked me,
i had no word to discribe my mood.
every live has it own right to enjoy itself in this world;
also,i think it is should sth shake our enthic moral,
or chinese not that asihole like now.
i believe there are still some chinese who know what is right indeed,
like me.
i was angry and drenched in grief of war,
but not happy with an earth quake and just coz it happened in our reval!
japanese please dont dismay,
you are good, and i believe we can fight this doom.
let's past just past.
some wankers, i mean some low-IQ chinese,
please stop your nonesense action
and plese stop your stupid words.
you are nothing to say them
you are nothing to contrast with sorrow of whole human being.
in addition,
i watched telly today,lol...actually is pps
what an amazing programe.lol
well done pps!
however, i think there's really big difference between britsh accent and america accent.
well, from ture heart,
i would like to speak britsh accent, so do my dad.
but, im now studing in the U.S!
i can't do that,that's so wired!
whatever, i can understand the teacher's and friend's saying.
but still difficlt to understand the transcript or dialogues in telly.
especially some times they speak in a bloody seriouse britsh accent.
mum said they are ok.
tstunami is truthly horrible!
it can damage a high quality and strong buiding just in a brief time!
fast, powerfully, instans!
too horrible, which thrilled me..
oh godness, please listen to me.
if 2012 is a real prediction, i mean
if it has alread beyonded a prediction,
please lets it happen afterward i back china with my family.
dont lets it messes my plan. ok?
well,that is today.
going to sleep and study math then
ps,****ing baron's math level 2,
what a ****ing book always companys with mistake!

1楼2011-03-13 03:43回复