以下来自vitas艺术网: 献给母亲(英俄) ПОСВЯЩЕНИЕ МАМЕ Сочинять:Vitas Авторы:A. Samsonenko Я тебя люблю, родная мама. Ты - мой символ Веры и Добра. После Бога нет священней Храма, Где твоя любовь жила всегда. Как ты за меня переживала, В сердце умещается с трудом. Слезы огорчения скрывала, Наполняя только счастьем дом Руки теплые, руки нежные. Занавесочки в окошке белоснежные. Руки теплые, руки нежные Обнимают, греют душу мою грешную. Ты своих ночей не досыпала, Без остатка отдала себя. Песенку мне на ночь напевала: Спи, сынок! Люблю тебя. На душе твоей разлуки раны, Инеем покрыта голова. Помните, что есть на свете мамы. Ждут они детей своих всегда. Руки теплые, руки нежные. Занавесочки в окошке белоснежные. Руки теплые, руки нежные Обнимают, греют душу мою грешную. DEDICATION TO MOMMY Compose:vitas Authors:A. Samsonenko I love you, dear mommy. You are my symbol of Faith and Kindness. Except God there is no other sacred Temple, Where your love have always lived. You worried about me so much, It goes in my heart hardly. You hid tears of grief, Filling the house with happiness only. The warm hands, the gentle hands. Snow-white small curtains on the window. The warm hands, the gentle hands. Embrace, give comfort to my sinful soul You did not sleep at your nights, You gave yourself to me fully. You humed the song for me at night: Sleep, sonny! I love you. Wounds of separation in your soul, Your head is covered with hoarfrost. Please remember, there are moms in the world. They always wait for their children. The warm hands, the gentle hands. Snow-white small curtains on the window. The warm hands, the gentle hands. Embrace, give comfort to my sinful soul. 来源:vitas音乐吧
bobo提供的英译: bostonvmi 76位粉丝 130楼 英文歌词: 翻译 ANNA 来源 VITASUSA.COM I love you, my dear mother. You’re my symbol of faith and good. Your sacred temple is the next after God, It’s where your love always lived. It’s beyond human understanding How much you worried about me, Hiding the tears of grief And filling our home only with happiness. Your warm hands, your tender hands... The snow-white curtains on the window... Your warm hands, your tender hands Warm my sinful soul when you hug me. You didn’t sleep at nights, Giving yourself up to me, Singing the lullaby: “Sleep, my small son, I love you”. Your heart bleeds because of partings, Your hair became white.. Please don’t forget about your mothers Who always wait for their children. Your warm hands, your tender hands.. The snow-white curtains on the window... Your warm hands, your tender hands Warm my sinful soul when you hug me.
丁丁搬的官网: 奉聿譞 68位粉丝 40楼 喔,上面是隔壁翻译机产物. 官网有说明的。Didication to Mommy WITH SPRING HOLIDAY, DEAR WOMEN! Our dear and loved women! On this fine spring holiday all the most gentle, sincere congratulations, all flowers of the world and the best songs are only for you! Let this day be a day of happy hopes,pleasant surprises, warm smiles and unforgettable meetings! With respect and love, Vitas, Sergey Pudovkin Our low bow and our gift to all mothers of the Earth - new song DEDICATION TO MOMMY