23252510一楼@buzzy8……不过还是线稿。1L26啦哩啦哩啦哩啦47531L给今天“把我整个吃掉再把核种进土里准备明年收获好多好多梨子”的莱莱TUT4544143呼吸系统……这货根本是古早的时候的知识吧口胡QUQ Respiratory system helps us breathe with rhythm. Air moves in through the nose, pharynx and larynx, Trachea and Bronchi branching on to Alveoli, Where the gas exchange happens between O2 and CO2. Sing along with me, isn’t this easy Air moves in through the nose, pharynx and larynx, Trachea and Bronchi branching on to Alveoli, Where gas exchange happens between O2 and CO2. [slow] By the trick of diffusion CO2 goes out and O2 in, into the blood hemoglobin then goes off to distribution So cells can do their respiration Gas w3911182010928替莱纸发出来wwww 莱纸-333333333-!!糟糕我要变成莱纸的脑残粉了WWWWWWWWWWW!!@神秘的狗815417111L给罐装梨汁批发市场的老板(等等啊喂17171L @爱索梅丝 =3333=34我要先声明一下我是严重浅咖啡色控所以如果看着不舒服请点击右上角的红叉叉w 还有我不会画四肢和衣服和背景而且画得很摸鱼.....41一楼喂拉文尼亚【什么?27一楼喂腹黑帝w5222好吧、我是小艾。。以后可能会经常用这个号,民那不要不认识的说~~10今天试了试神器SAI~ 这次是泉此方!!!宅方得罪了 因为木有板子,只好用鼠标了。。所以线条画的跟蚯蚓似的。。。 今天阿莱教了点基本知识,这就算是作业吧~老师~~14613322一楼喂废柴少女= =+19于是这里就当做新年贺好啦w 传送门:http://hi.baidu.com/seamouse/blog/item/8a0c657b057e90f32e73b39b.41这里Sinah(很莫名的名字 红茶控英语控一只(这是自我介绍 可以说是被梅纸拉来的= =+1222我是新人,来报个到,恩,我是被标题那么多形容词来形容的阿莱拉进来的 大家好2