46245http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qWPhVlU 吧里应该没发过吧..@249536459732标题是:Exclusive: Katelyn Tarver's Music Video Directed By OMG Everywhere I recently got the chance to work with the super fun nonprofit organization OMG Everywhere. They put on art workshops for kids giving them a chance to work with filmmakers, learn about cameras and video and music, and encourage kids to flex their creative muscles. They asked if I'd be interested in participating in a music video to my song "Favorite Girl" that would be directed, filmed, and thought up by the kids in the workshop, and I jumped at the opportunity. The kids I got to work with were bright, funny, smart,21153548不按照月份发了,就这个贴子好了..491L我才不要放图~ @249536459 美丽的骚敏妹子镇贴 纯原创,如有雷同就是那人抄我的 不许跑堂 【】134吧主是高中党所以没有太多时间管理本吧暑假期间会加大马力管好本吧的咨询以及删帖的任务。现在主要由@249536459来管理咨询。近日发现许多旧帖在新的版面上也有许许多多的水帖覆盖在吧内,影响美观,对此提出以下要求,没看者一律就事处理。 1.水贴要标明是水贴,类似【四月水楼】 如果水贴格式不当直接删帖 一个月每人最多两帖水楼 2.对于顶置旧帖的处罚,封号1个月 3.对于小吧的管理不得当的以及不认真负责的人员及时撤销资格 请本吧吧主1863788新年快乐~~~欢迎常驻吧友越来越多~ K吧发展越来越好!!~412032Happy Birthday 这几年一直管理本吧~很感谢后面加入的亲们,谢谢你们的支持,谢谢你们一直喜欢K妞~ 谢谢几位吧主的支持。虽然有过放弃,但是我还是坚42我不久前喜欢上了她,喜欢她的歌 喜欢她的一切。 祝Katelyn生日快乐~ I LOVE YOU!121319917总共挑了5个视频,拍得都还清晰。还是希望姑娘能开属于自己的巡演吧。 二楼放视频。369以后Katelyn的推特更新了....就在这个贴更新....25Hey guys, I had an incredible opportunity come my way through Neutrogena Wave For Change! I am excited to spread the word on this and hope i16@249536459 加油!!12792http://debikt.buzznet.com/user/journal/17243226/know-buzzmaker-p Reblogged from katelyntarver Hey guys! Here's a little interview I did duri44不知道吧里面有没有喜欢Aaron Carter的呀, 如果没人喜欢,你们一定要尝试一下哟~~~~~